Big Party Tomorrow for CFK in Velez

nicoenarg said:
Oh well if it's just a celebration, then why the hell not. Just because I can't stand CFK doesn't mean I have to oppose everything she does. Just hoping she won't open her big mouth and put her foot in it once more.

I don't really hate her because I'm simply not exposed to her broadcasts. From an objective (reclusive!) point of view... if I'm not mistaken this country hasn't had so many consecutive years of stability since... the 1920s?

I don't say Economic growth because that's a farce, but political stability? well... they must be doing something right, and if "the people" can be kept in line with stadium rallies rather than bullets, then, my hat off to them.

How would you like to run a Latin American country with a hubris situation?
Matt84 said:
I don't really hate her because I'm simply not exposed to her broadcasts. From an objective (reclusive!) point of view... if I'm not mistaken this country hasn't had so many consecutive years of stability since... the 1920s?

I don't say Economic growth because that's a farce, but political stability? well... they must be doing something right, and if "the people" can be kept in line with stadium rallies rather than bullets, then, my hat off to them.

How would you like to run a Latin American country with a hubris situation?

Yes I see your point of view. I do look at things more from an economic point of view and judging purely from that point of view, this government is pretty darn horrible and seemingly suicidal.

As for political stability, well Menem was in power for about 11 years straight and Peron for over 12 years straight. So they've had sporadic stable governments.

Again, my criticism is mainly related to economic policies. If all the people here care about is fútbol and handouts then this government is as good as any for them. After all the Egyptians were perfectly alright with Mubarak for a while. Then tgey'd had enough and got rid of him (it's a different matter that now they're stuck with people way worse than Mubarak :p), maybe some day these people will grow more independent to think for themselves and not always look to the government for guidance. And then maybe they'll elect a decent government. I just hope then the people here are smarter than the mob that made up the majority of the "Arab spring" movement.

But I digress...
I fully agree with the above Nico, and actually political stability is not as perfectly correlated to economic prosperity as one would instinctively assume. Politically stable Ethiopia seems to be poorer than Anarchic Somalia. Enjoy.

You are right, those other two Peronist administrations lasted long enough. My bad. Now that I come to think about it, no matter how long they last, they've all ended in some sort of tragedy.

Again, my criticism is mainly related to economic policies. If all the people here care about is fútbol and handouts then this government is as good as any for them.

Oh but that's the delicate part. My shameful contention is that not everybody can run the show, or properly alternate between bread and circus as well as the Peronists.

In the Muslim World you have the Mullahs to look for guidance. In the Amurikan World you have the Preachers. Both Islam and Protestantism are open, decentralized systems, perfectly fit for this age.

But where does the rest of the World look for guidance?

We've established that citizens of Switzerland pay for their rights by assuming full responsibility for their individual (or household) protection.
Israel would be a similar case should it manage to continue... existing.

But what about non-Switz Europe? Or China, Africa and Latin America? What about India (stalked by Maoists and Tamil Tigers renders Muslim threat risible)

Are you contending that the people you see now on the streets, or on this forum.. you know, people that for biological reasons averages an IQ of 100, will look for themselves for guidance?

I'm not saying inbred Alpine types are more intelligent than Israelis. The Switz took 800 years to achieve their self-sovereignty.

So criticize away (you're right about the economy), but realistically, that's probably not the reason you're in Argentina - and realistically if it were that bad you'd not be posting here - neither would I
Greenman said:
Let this government expend tax dollars in posters and choripanes for workers day.
Its better than having a government expend your tax dollars in bombs to kill poor brown people in other places. (like the US government)

As a matter of fact its very disturbing to see american citizens promoting facist ideology in this country. The last time (Plan Condor) it created a genocide.
So go back to your CIA office in Montevideo and tell Kissinger that this time is a no go.

Price of tea?

I saw one of these posters yesterday in Belgrano - Plastered directly over a payed advertisement at a bus stop. If the vandals support Christina, (and judging by the amount of graffiti in this city I'd say they do) then I'm not going to support Christina!
Ah, now it makes more sense. The party is to celebrate April 27th, 2003 when Menem pulled out of the elections leaving Nestor as the victor.

It just didn't make sense to me that CFK was doing something completely selfless. Its funny how some of the people here perceive it as.

She's throwing a party to celebrate the victory of her husband and people here think she's doing it for them.

This is what I am talking about Matt, willful blindness is what I think it is.
Watching it on TV reminded me of Nazi Germany pre 1939.
Made me feel physically sick actually.
nicoenarg said:
Ah, now it makes more sense. The party is to celebrate April 27th, 2003 when Menem pulled out of the elections leaving Nestor as the victor.

It just didn't make sense to me that CFK was doing something completely selfless. Its funny how some of the people here perceive it as.

She's throwing a party to celebrate the victory of her husband and people here think she's doing it for them.

This is what I am talking about Matt, willful blindness is what I think it is.

Wow, that's pretty disgusting but I still believe the people involved don't care about Cristis honest feelings but about their own practical daily lives. I also believe they don't calculate that relationship consciously.

My nihilistic point yesterday was that being master of ceremonies of that show that is Democracy in a Cold-Banana Republic ought to be a difficult job - akin to that of a Medieval Prince or a Modern African Democratic Political Party (like the ANC). The figure of this particular president is however a bit unsettling given Evita's precedent and double-crossing everyone by being a secular leftist and named she-Christ at the same time. I know that my redeemer liveth. She's got a good advantage.

Today I still point out that this adm is not going to turn this country "left" to Chavez-Iran but just steer it a bit to keep course: geopolitical absolute neutrality (which is what incidentally raises the value of real estate in this country on the long term - and what kept certain people safe h last World War)
I believe that's how the Vatican and Brazil handle diplomacy too, neutral during conflicts so they can claim they've been on the victor's side all along - while keeping ties to the loser anyways..

And btw, Their followers know they are being fooled, they just play the part.
It's human nature. When a society that has not crafted a Republic, much less a Democratic Republic, but imposed it by law (ultimately of the strongest); then the people don't automatically become bearers of sovereignty but accommodate and re-name serfdom-> citizenship or party-loyalty. That's what I mean by self-sovereignty and that's why maybe Switzerland is the closest example I know of.

I suspect the case in Argentina is similar to another thriving Democracy.
In South Africa the people who vote for the ANC know the politicians wont "keep their promises", but still prefer the populist party for being populist, because, according to one interviewd, "it shows us that they love us" (that the prince will be a kind ruler).
It should be noted that in the Western Cape people do not vote for the ANC - much like in Uruguay Peronism would be inconceivable.

The stickers-on-paid publicity are the norm- in all of Latam, and no administration would be ashamed of it even it considered it a potential issue. Cultural differences, like the President of France can get away with certain things that the President of the USA would be impeached for.

@Gringoboy, see, that's why I don't watch tv and carefully select my youtube programming ... for instance yesterday great 30 rock LIVE! episode had a great time, I don't know what they were talking about in 278.
Matt84 said:
I don't know what they were talking about in 278.

because I get all my CFK-Newz from this msg board

Thank you guys for keeping me well informed!
Gringoboy said:
Watching it on TV reminded me of Nazi Germany pre 1939.
Made me feel physically sick actually.

I had the exact same feeling. Sane Argentineans are feeling even sicker.