Boca tickets?


Mar 17, 2012
Hey, everyone. A friend of mine is going to visit me for a few days (the 20th - the 25th of this month). He's a huge soccer fan, so I'm looking to take him to a Boca or River match. Can anyone point me to their schedules, and how I can buy tickets? Additionally, how much should I expect to pay for tickets if I'm not a member of those clubs? Regards, Michael
Tickets are pretty much impossible to buy on your own for Boca. Your best bet is going with a tour company though you'll pay quite a bit...
full body armor is required for those matches
Don't use landingpadba, they charged me for a down low seat but put me in the nosebleed section.
Its_not_me said:
Don't use landingpadba, they charged me for a down low seat but put me in the nosebleed section.

Howdy It's_not_me,

We have not sold lower deck seating since the Clasurada tournament of 2011 so there must be a misunderstanding.

I am happy to help clear things up with you. Please PM me or contact me directly through the site.

You can go to Racing vs. Boca on Sunday the 20th which will be a big match. You can get a platea D (side), E (behind the goal upper tier), or more expensive A, B VIP plateas by checking this site to see when the tickets go on sale (probably Thursday and Friday) which will be three places... the stadium in Avellaneda, the sede in Villa del Parque and at Lavalle 1650, microcentro. You should expect to pay 150 or so pesos.
went to boca on sunday, paid 300 pesos each. here's how we did it:

got down there really early (3 hours before game), found a little restaurant/kiosko to get a drink / food, and asked the waitress if she knew how we could get tickets - instant "yes".

We had a good feeling about the place because it was filled with cops watching the San Lorenzo game, the people weren't out on street on drugs and desperate, they guaranteed that a guy would guide us into the game, and if we couldnt get in we could come back to the restaurant.

Sure it was still some risk but it worked out great.

Other notes:
felt pretty safe walking around boca stadium before and after; there are police everywhere.
the tickets were plastic season cards, with someone's picture, but they got us in fine, no idea where they got these cards (a friend? stolen? a dead guy who is now floating in rio de la plata?) but they worked great, and then they just collected them from us when we got in.
We took the subway down to catedral from palermo, and then a 25 peso taxi. to get home we walked 20 minutes north on that main road and eventually found a cab, ~40 pesos back to palermo.

Overall a great experience, we had seats in popularo sud, good view, great crowd, fun game.