Boring expats


Jul 16, 2010
Maybe this has been covered somewhere, but I couldn't find anything

I have many long-term expat friends in the mid 20's untill there early 30's, they are normally atleast 2 to 5 years here and often have a long-term Argentine girl/boy friend. They mainly work from home or teach English, some have a regular job but it's mainly working from home.

I notice that they hardly go out or do anything other then staying at home every day, go out with the boy/girlfriend and maybe play sports 1 or 2 times a week.

For me the main attraction about living in BA is the variety of things you can do. Especially if you go outside of the ex-pat areas you can find al kind of nice things to do at night or during the day.

Pretty much the only way to move those people is if you invite those people at home for a party and normally if there is a birthday party everybody shows up and if you propose other things you get pretty much ignored.

Many friends of mine have been to at most 10-15 restaurants/bars/clubs and don't know things like going to Tigre on a sunday.

I just don't understand that if you spend most of your time in your place(especially if you work from home) you enjoy begin in BA, you are prolly better off then in your home country with your family.

In my experience it's pretty much the same for people who orignially come from big cities as from small cities/towns

Is there just an economic reason for that or some other reasons?
Your post is a little confusing, could you post a specific question?
I here u Qwerty. I must admit I'm one of those people. I fit ur description perfectly LOL. If i lived in Capital I would be more willing to get out, and I literally live in Capital..... :0( My particular reason leans more to the monetary, I live on a tight local salary and budget. Also, I'm really not a danceclub or packed venue lover. Tonight precisely im going to a freind's apartment in Palermo. I do go out but to the regular food shopping, movies, dr. appointments etc.
Maikito said:
I here u Qwerty. I must admit I'm one of those people. I fit ur description perfectly LOL. If i lived in Capital I would be more willing to get out, and I literally live in Capital..... :0( My particular reason leans more to the monetary, I live on a tight local salary and budget. Also, I'm really not a danceclub or packed venue lover. Tonight precisely im going to a freind's apartment in Palermo. I do go out but to the regular food shopping, movies, dr. appointments etc.

But even if you are not really a clubber, you can do things like having a beer in a bar, go to a soccer-game, or do something like going with friends with 2 bottles of beer, a football and a bag of chips to Puerto Madero for friends day
I don't consider going to the Disco or the doctor as going out by the way
I do go out for beers and wine, not a fooball fan. I just maybe do it once a month
Train fare to Tigre is about two pesos. Once there you can stroll by the river, or go to the The Mercado de Frutos. It is a fun place, selling everything from furniture to basket weaving materials, fruits and vegetables from the island, and all sorts of live pets. A great Sunday outing.
Been many saturdays to Tigre, its lovely. I also like going to Paseo La Plaza and catch a good indie presentation.
If I had to guess I would say it's mostly monetary issues and it seems when you fall into routine in a long term relationship then you tend to get boring. At least that's my situation. I am actually invited to a lunch party this Friday and a farewell party this Saturday night. I think I will go but as for the lunch party I'll probably have to order the cheapest thing on the menu and as for the party I'll have just one drink.

There are lots of cheap/free things to do here too but I guess since I have a baby I am always too tired or I don't feel like going out with a baby and paying for a sitter gets expensive.

So there are my excuses for my boring life, but you know what? I kind of enjoy it. Until I got here I was one of those people that were going and going all the time, now I slowed down enough to appreciate little everyday things.

But it is true, we probably should all get out more and be a bit more social. Trying new things is what living abroad is all about.
Ahhhhhh finally Querty!!! Somebody had to say it! My dear hubby turned into one of those who work from home and stay at home... I guess this happens when expats move for the sole purpose of being with their bf/gf. Traveling, seeing other places, clubs, bars, sports, maybe were not their thing back home, and certainly are not their thing in BA either. The did not move to Argentina because of the country, so they are not bothered.

During the first year they are a little bit curious as to see what is out there, but then they go back to their " normal " life, as if they were back home, and if they do not come from another city, but maybe a relatively small place, they simply live in the middle of BA city chaos as if they were in a small town. It is not the money in our case tbh.

This is basically the reason why I never made it to meet any of you, my dear expat is a stay at home boy ;)