Boudou, my heart goes out to him

Right, I find it hard to have sympathy over a VP who claims to be so down to earth and "del pueblo" yet lunches and dines every single day at a certain highly expensive Puerto Madero restaurant, often asking them to open for breakfast just for him, boasts about there being "plenty more where that came from" when tipping the waiter, interrupting his day to go to the spa at Faena, cocktails at the Park Hyatt, and VIP seats at Luna Park concerts. It's as ridiculous as Kretina speaking "de todo mi alma y corazon" to the villeros, almost as if trying to relate to them, while gesturing you spot she's rockin the diamond Rolex Presidential watch.
Poor's a CONSPIRACY by La Nacion & Clarin I tell ya!..(not!)...give him more rope pls..he rambled on & on accusing the investigating judge as being part of a mafia - note that this judge has worked with the Ks & has been seen to be pro K...poor boudou jumped erratically from one topic to another during his 45 minute ramble.

He was supposed to give a press conference...he did NOT even allow one question from the press.

The authorities found a few clues in a raid on his apartment...the remains of emails confirming that Vanderbroele paid his bills in that apartment..this is after Boudou had denied even knowing Vanderbroele..they also found an expensa receipt signed by Vanderbroele.

Notice that none of the K gang allowed themselves to be seen near him during the supposed "Press Conference" the rats scramble off the sinking vessel.
Its so weird to see foreingers living, holding, suffering and complining from the same things than the argentine people. For sure now you all are seeing the reality wich who this country had to live with for decades along, and not from a single newspaper there in your home lands as before. I think it helps us to be more understandable from the foreingers looking.
It seems that the power in this "land" makes you think dirty things (be corrup in single words), and there is no way to scape from it.
And I said "this land" cause in the past I believed that answer to this problems was our descendence (spanishs, italians, frenchs, some nazis, btn others), but later I had realized that no one of those countrys where our ancestors came from are so corrupt like the our. I know the corruption its everywhere, but nowhere place was it enough to make the damm country fall down like here.
So.. what do you think??... could we have a stigma here??... feel free to giv your own opinon.
Garre has come out in defense of judge Rafecas - the judge that Boudou viciously attacked yesterday in his 45 minute ramble. She claims that the judge is "Inpecable"...This may be the first serious sign of deep cracks emerging in the Krichner government.

"Garre Defends Judge Rafecas" - La Nacion;

Cristina has just ordered everyone in her government to stand behind Boudou....join the dots & you may agree... I dare say that this could be the beginning of the end for Cristina's ride since Nestor stopped 'pulling the strings'' from behind (Nestor's death).

Cristina's lack of political IQ is evident here, this is the moment when she stops listening to her political minders. Instead of asking Boudou to stand aside while the investigation is in progress she instead attempts to unite the party & la Campora together in defense of her usual manner, Cris must have gone into a fit of rage & barked out the orders...this could prove to be a fatal chess move.
I dont think this country have to wait for more politic disasters... we had enough for a long while!!.. dont you think??. For sure the dark evilness knows that Argentina is not the only country in this world.