Buenos Aires in the 1960s


Jun 20, 2006
Buenos Aires in the 1960s in its most stable period economically with low crime rate and with one wage a family could live well . The city seemed very clean, sparkling and first world !!!!

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It is my understanding that the prosperity of Bs As and Argentina in the 50s/60s was in large part due to the neutrality of Argentina for almost all of WWII. It enabled Arg to amass great wealth by doing very profitable business with all sides including Nazi Germany. This was true until the very end of the war when it was discovered that Hitler had a plan to take over Arg in order to expand the Aryan population.
Under the Perons (mostly Eva's influence), the wealth was disbursed both as subsidies to businesses to enable them to artificially maintain profitability and to the lower classes in the form of all kinds of state funded services. This eventually bankrupted the state coffers resulting in the hyperinflation of the 70s which , in turn, led to the 1976 coup led by Vidella ousting Isabelita..
Buenos Aires in the 1960s in its most stable period economically with low crime rate and with one wage a family could live well . The city seemed very clean, sparkling and first world !!!!

You could make this same video today easily, it's a propaganda piece designed to sell the city.

This eventually bankrupted the state coffers resulting in the hyperinflation of the 70s which

Erm, Peronism was literally banned in Argentina from 1955 to 1973. You're stretching quite a long way to blame it for the failed policies of almost 2 decades of right-wing governments from who seized power in a coup themselves in 1955. Somehow, despite having had no political power whatsoever for 15 years, the problems of the 70s are because of them.. Lol.

You even manage to pin the last military dictatorship on it.. Quite grotesque.
Great video. The city looks vibrant. People well dressed. Didn't see any homeless.
Great video. The city looks vibrant. People well dressed. Didn't see any homeless.

Standards for a vibrant city: one where you don't have to witness the reality of poverty
Standards for a vibrant city: one where you don't have to witness the reality of poverty
Fdipo there was very little poverty back then and Buenos Aires was considered a first world city with a high standard of living.
The middle class of Argentina lived comfortable lives then and wages were high. Home ownership was higher in Argentina than Europe and most of the western world. This was a stable period now it seems like a distant dream
Yes it's not a matter of hiding poverty. There was much less.

If you only look at the same rich barrios of Buenos Aires in which poverty is still hardly visible today, sure.

Sorry but I see a LOT of poverty in the heart of Recoleta, on the most elegant streets like Quintana and Avenue Alvear. Homeless people, people in rags begging for money. I don't remember this much visible poverty on these streets even during the 2001 crisis