fifilafiloche said:And to be even more sincere, there is beauty in poverty too. It s more than just exotism When you dont own, you dont need to play social games, care about your image, you can afford to be true, you have (almost) nothing to loose. You time is not that "precious", you can give it without feeling stolen. It s the privilege of the very poor...and the very rich.
Their ability to stay simple, humble and natural makes them highly beautiful.![]()
Do you not see the pain behind their eyes? Pain can be beautiful, perhaps, when you think that the only other possibility is death.
The poor are human. Do you not think they have ther own social games? Do you think that the social games they play are less restrictive and cannot be as humiliating than other, richer stratas of societies? Do you think, honestly, that they don't care about their images? Among themselves it is fierce - to think of the rich their image gives them verguenza.
The poor have no inbred nobility that the rest of the human race isn't born with. They are not all that often "true" as they scramble for the scraps that the rich in their country leave them, where there is not enough for everyone, and they will do what they have to do to survive.
They consider their lives much more valuable than you would think, because it often IS all they have. Their time is wrapped up in surviving, finding the next coin to pay the next meal, and working ungodly hours in crappy situations to do it. Their time not precious? Heh. All they have is their time and often not enough of that in a day. Tell a 30-year old woman who looks sixty and may only have another 10 or 20 years to live that her time is not precious.
Perhaps you see them as humble and natural, and in that is beauty, but many of the poor are humble because they have been misused and abused for a LONG time. Their humilty is not the humbleness of a person who understands the way of the world and has chosen to live as they do, but comes from ignorance and the deep-rooted certainty that their lot in life is what it is and nothing can ever change that.
Fifi, dude, I understand kind of what you were trying to say, but it is obviously said by one who does not really understand poverty. One day I'd love for you to come out to the house and sit down with my wife and her family, who are truly poor, who truly struggle every freaking day to stay alive.
Who know with a certainty in their heart that they will never live any better than their neighbors. And that those same neighbors will do what they can to ensure that.
Who know with that same certainty that the same people who have been exploiting them for the last several hundred years will continue to exploit them and that that is the natural way of the world.
There is no beauty in that to me. It disgusts me and I want to fight it tooth and nail.