Are the dominoes starting to fall? It's feeling like it...
1. The stats come out yesterday showing Argentina is officially in recession
2. Blue hits 50% gap against the Dolar Oficial for the first time in half a year
Considering how long it held steady vs the Dolar Oficial, it sure is moving so quickly!
3. Acindar puts its workers on partial employment, critical point being they say demand for steel is down 45% (!!!)
Workers at the company say demand is lowest they have seen in 20 years. Yikes.
4. For all of Milei's endless jibber jabber about IMF deals to stabilize the economy, Caputo now admits talks have not even begun with the IMF (and infobae speculates are not starting anytime soon either)
While all this is going on, Milei is busy in Europe pontificating on his chances of getting the Nobel Prize.
And purely anecdotal -
a. My regular money changers wouldn't change with me today because it's too volatile. The last time this happened to me was in the crazy couple months before the election.
b. I was walking in Florida, El Ateneo (bookstore) was deserted as were the other shops selling non-necessities. When prices starting going bonkers a couple months ago, those stores were still full and I didn't understand how. It seems to me that stores are much emptier this month than I've been seeing previously. I could be very wrong though!!!!
I wonder if things are starting to free-fall away from Milei's control.
1. The stats come out yesterday showing Argentina is officially in recession
2. Blue hits 50% gap against the Dolar Oficial for the first time in half a year
Dólar hoy en vivo: la cotización libre sube a $1.360 para la venta, un nuevo récord
El dólar “blue” sube 30 pesos en el día y acumula en junio un incremento de 135 pesos o 11%, por encima de la inflación. La brecha cambiaria se acerca otra vez al 50%
3. Acindar puts its workers on partial employment, critical point being they say demand for steel is down 45% (!!!)
Se agrava la crisis en Acindar: habrá suspensiones de empleados en 4 de los últimos 6 meses del año
La empresa ya había frenado las operaciones en su planta de Villa Constitución hasta el 15 de julio. Ahora ofreció un esquema de ceses temporales para los trabajadores. Dicen que cayó 45% la demanda
Acindar acordó un esquema de suspensiones para los próximos meses | Punto Biz
La caída de ventas es del orden del 45% y eso obliga a reducir las horas de producción.
4. For all of Milei's endless jibber jabber about IMF deals to stabilize the economy, Caputo now admits talks have not even begun with the IMF (and infobae speculates are not starting anytime soon either)
Para Javier Milei es posible salir del cepo sin tener un acuerdo con el FMI que traiga fondos frescos
El Presidente indicó que el único paso que resta para eliminar las trabas cambiarias es “terminar con los mecanismos de emisión monetaria”. El ministro de Economía Luis Caputo, en cambio, considera imprescindible contar con un acuerdo con el organismo. Pero las negociaciones ni siquiera arrancaron
While all this is going on, Milei is busy in Europe pontificating on his chances of getting the Nobel Prize.
And purely anecdotal -
a. My regular money changers wouldn't change with me today because it's too volatile. The last time this happened to me was in the crazy couple months before the election.
b. I was walking in Florida, El Ateneo (bookstore) was deserted as were the other shops selling non-necessities. When prices starting going bonkers a couple months ago, those stores were still full and I didn't understand how. It seems to me that stores are much emptier this month than I've been seeing previously. I could be very wrong though!!!!
I wonder if things are starting to free-fall away from Milei's control.