Buying bus tickets online


Jun 6, 2005
Has anyone bought bus tickets (PLUSMAR) online? Can it be done? And if so, how does it work?
I bought tickets over the telephone using a foreign credit card a couple of months ago with Flecha Bus, but they wouldn't accept my foreign debit card. They gave me a reference number to give to the ticket counter at the bus station. You can check the availability and seating charts online and then call them.
I'm trying to buy tickets on the El Aguila website with a foreign card from abroad at the moment but it seems Mercado Pago is the only option. Should I just use Plataforma 10 or BusBud or is there a better option for buying bus tickets online with a foreign card these days? Thanks.
Sometimes you can use your card through mercado pago btw.
I agree. I bought tickets a few months ago and the only way to use my foreign credit card was through MercadoPago. I am not 100% sure but the site was of Nueva Chevallier, while with Plataforma10 it did not go through and gave a somewhat misleading error like "invalid credit card number"
Yeah, I've tried two cards and Mercado Pago isn't accepting them on El Aguila's website, I think because it doesn't like the passport number I'm putting in when asked for the list of possible identification numbers (eg DNI, cedula...)