Buying Property At Auction


Aug 10, 2012
Just wondering if anyone has been through this and knows the procedure here. Thanks!
i went to an auction (remate) to check out an apartment being sold in Alto palermo, its crazy when you get there, its like a mafia movie. full of super cheesy, greasy looking men. when u sit down they come and sit on each side of you with their business card and they tell you to talk to them after the auction. You have no chance of even trying to make an offer. they are all working together and after the auction is done they all come up to anyone that isn't part of their mafia and tell you to call them if you want to buy the apartment off of them.
one guy told me, that he handles the apartments, his brother used cars and his uncle, the houses.
100% mafia owned business unfortunately!
It is called " La Liga " Google it for more info.
I went to an auction for some car park spaces a few years ago, my lawyer wanted to show me how it is here in Argentina.. exactly the same as what shoush said, looks like one big money laundering operation as the cocheras sold for way over their real value. Worth going though for the comedy aspect, it's like something out of an 80's Italian gangster film. I hope they're not reading this.