We are two buildings with 12 depts each, we have a part-time portero who doesn't live here. Nobody knows what his working hours are, he shows up sometimes in the morning and leaves by lunch.
He is renting in black our parking spots, there is a white Polo parking in our building, each time in a different spot. We left two notes saying that the spot where the car was stationed belonged to our apartment and was up for rent, but 10 minutes after the note was removed and the portero was the only live soul around. Various tenants inquired with him about the car but he is playing dumb and gives answer such as "that is the car of the teenager daughter's bf in living in apt. 10", or that it is of someone who is new and doesn't know the parking rules, etc.
Finally, we took pictures and emailed them to the administrator... Then my bf cornered the portero and he said that it is his friend's car who works nearby. We told him our spot is up for rent (we don't have a car) and if he'd find a renter he would get a cut. After one week he found one and we might be renting our spot soon.
Anyway the guy doesn't even have the remote to open the garage door when maintenance has to come in with their flete.... I guess he gave away his remote to his "friend"...
I saw our portero going also into the building next to ours, I wouldn't be surprised if he is their portero as well, of course with the same working hours for both buildings!