Cable recommendation BA

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mixing units of measurement, confusing Mbps with MBps. The lowercase "b" Mb=megabits while the uppercase"B" MB=megabytes. Does it matter? Well, one Megabyte per second is eight times faster than one Megabit per second so Neil's recorded speed of 24Mbps is equivalent to 3MBps. The service providers delight in gushing about "megas" without specifying mega-what? If you are in any doubt about what you are receiving or for that matter in doubt about what you are paying for, run your own speed test like Neil.

I run the test several times a day and find huge differences during the peak hours---:eek:
Cablevision seems to offer for internet speeds:
Internet Fibertel 25, 50 & 100 Megas
  • Downstream de hasta 100 Mbps
  • Upstream de hasta 8 Mbps
Should all of these options be reasonable good? Or would the largest Mbps clearly be better? Telecentro seemed to offer faster speeds but everyone seems to favor Cablevision. Should I figure Cablevision. speeds good enough- even though Telecentro looks faster? Thanks.