Cacerolazo Today?


Sep 18, 2009
It's been touted as 13m on numerous social networking sites, but one doesn't sense much of an appetite for taking to the streets.
What do others feel about this?
Electionazo next year. Would be nice to see someone useful emerge from the swamp of local politics to really make a difference.

Cacerlazo feels like a clumsy attempt to try and piggy back on other protests around the world with much more legitimate drivers of unrest.
It is better than doing nothing. How the citizens put up with this BS is beyond me.
What can you do when those who are paid by the taxpayer laugh in your face?
Slap em?
This whole Sudoko nonsense reflects badly on people trying to make an issue out of it. I have seen politicians sleeping in session, I have seen almost completely empty sessions, a bit of sudoko mid way through an enormously long an entirely impotent ceremonial session is not exactly a hanging offense.

Filibustering, sudoko...parliament is for show. People vote on party lines and the action happens behind the scenes.

Big deal. He's not the brightest spark but by god worse things happened in BA last night (another car theft related murder in that same part of Lanus) than that chump playing Sudoko.

Fairly puerile to focus in on that. How about the fact that you can appear live on TV battering and them throwing a disabled man off a bridge and not be arrested? Probably more important than whatever that clown does on his bloody ipad.
This whole Sudoko nonsense reflects badly on people trying to make an issue out of it. I have seen politicians sleeping in session, I have seen almost completely empty sessions, a bit of sudoko mid way through an enormously long an entirely impotent ceremonial session is not exactly a hanging offense.
acceptance of this kind of behavior is the problem. Usually get what we deserve in life.
I don't think 13M had a head of steam in the first place.
Not sure if it's apathy either, with most eyes on next year.
More like a waiting game, but then a week is a long time in politics as someone once remarked.
Before quitting my job and coming to Buenos Aires earlier this year, I was working for one of the largest banks in the US. Through those endless meetings forced to attend, I also killed time doing something on my phone -although sudoku was never my choice.

Is there a difference between being caught doing this as a politician than as a private employee?

Putting aside the public trust, "tax payers money" and all that blah blah blah I'd say two things:

1. Working in a private corporation or public entity there is plenty of time to get terribly bored and exasperated by bureaucracy and procedures. The one who hasn't checked their social media while in a meeting, please throw the first stone. Better yet, get back to work.

2. Seeing what politicians are capable of accomplishing, I'd rather have them killing brain cells while playing sudoku than passing laws.

One final note: As I was working for a major bank in the US and considering all the "bailout" money, the "quantitative easing", and the endless public money being pumped in the financial system, was I at the end of the day a private or public employee? Just a thought.