Campaign Watch

Yes, of course there are cyber ks that are paid to poblate some webs, but there are also oposicion militants, you just have to go to La Nacion, or Yahoo (I dont know Clarin but I suppose there too) and read comentarios, 90% are furiously anti K. And they are (the most) popular sites.
Those people are not paid.

really? did you read the hate with they write? quantity and quality. There are cybers paid in both sides, and just like with the media, the more popular sites are oposicion. I remember perfectly how hard they have been pre 2011, and if you guided for those comments, Cristina would have lose for more than 70/30. But she won with 54%. Now today its different, the Ks have lost adepts, but not to write like that.
really? did you read the hate with they write? quantity and quality. There are cybers paid in both sides, and just like with the media, the more popular sites are oposicion. I remember perfectly how hard they have been pre 2011, and if you guided for those comments, Cristina would have lose for more than 70/30. But she won with 54%. Now today its different, the Ks have lost adepts, but not to write like that.

Dream on.
Short term, the majority for FpV stays intact but their majority is slipping. Massa has the province, Pro have the city. Of course the election was about more than massa winning the province. A majority stays intact, who knows what type of madness the wounded FpV will do during their 2 yr exit.