Can I Exchange Argie Pesos Into Chile Pesos?

...where do I go to get the permission from govrnmnt agencies in order to
exchange my "Turista surplus Pesos" into Chilean Pesos....

Let me make it as easy as possible. You can't/won't get permission. Period. While in theory it is possible, in actuality it is not.

Bring the dollars you need in Argentina with you here. Exchange only what you need b/c any leftover pesos are worthless outside of Argentina.

Just take money out of an ATM in Chile if you don't want to bring a lot of dollars with you and deal with the headache of exchanging them in Chile.
Let me make it as easy as possible. You can't/won't get permission. Period. While in theory it is possible, in actuality it is not.

Bring the dollars you need in Argentina with you here. Exchange only what you need b/c any leftover pesos are worthless outside of Argentina.

Just take money out of an ATM in Chile if you don't want to bring a lot of dollars with you and deal with the headache of exchanging them in Chile.

Hi citygirl, I really like your avatar with your throughbred horse, are you a rancher in Argentina? or just a horse lover? I love Horses as well and had owned them back in Japan.I am a keen horse rider learnt to ride while living in Hokkaido japan in my infancy. Done young horse taming, they are very intelligent and affectious friends! Can't wait to riding them again while in SouthAmerica.

Back to the main topic: So all this siggestions from some of Expats here in BAexpats forum as to get the receipt and show it to the proper Argentinean Authority then perhaps get some kind of permit so to be able to get Argie surplus Pesos exchanged into Chilean Pesos
are all damn suggestions false.? It seems that Iam trying to find an answer to my question in avail...Also you mention of: left over Pesos are worthless _outside of Argentina.? Then let say, if one of you want to take a vacation trip to: I.E, neighbouring Uruguay, you can not exchange Argie Pesos there for Uruguayan Pesos.? The Chile living Expats has to do their Visa run to Mendoza every 90 days ( say much cheaper doing the run than re-newing and paying for it at the extranjeria) They bring USD$ changes them to Argie Pesos then re-change them back to either USD or Chilean Pesos, their choice. Perhaps the geography difference,in BsAs no can do, but Mendoza can do...??

LoL, Argie~Land, beautiful it might be but the things you can/canot dos, are very complex.!
You can't get it exchanged officially. Your best bet is to buy from someone you know in Argentina or that is recommended by an Argentine friend at the black market exchange rate. Is it illegal? Not sure. Supposedly, if you buy it at an exchange house (cueva), it would be. So other than that, forget it. No one outside of Argentina will exchange Argentine pesos. I doubt that they will even exchange pesos in most places in Chile or Uruguay, although maybe, just maybe, you can find a few places that will do it but charge exorbitant fees. Good luck to you.
We breed, train and show jumpers - I live on a farm about 45 min outside of downtown and we have about 40 horses at home, all registered Silla Argentino sporthorses.

My comment about being "worthless" is a bit tongue in cheek. Neighboring countries will *probably* take them but probably at a rate of about 7 pesos to the dollar vs official rate of 4.7 or whatever it is now. I would expect an equal imbalance if attempting to exchange Argentine pesos to Chilean pesos. Basically, no one wants pesos outside of Argentina. So don't exchange a lot of money into pesos, just what you need and then repeat it if necessary.

And the permission from the gov't to exchange at an official rate is what I was saying wasn't going to happen. Xoom wouldn't be recognized and even if you go someplace with your ATM receipt, no one will buy back your leftover pesos at the official rate. Hence my advice to bring dollars and exchange only what you need when you need it. You can do xoom as well if you would rather, always seemed like far too much of a headache. FWIW, I bring back USD every time I go to the US and only exchange 500 USD at a time to pesos and repeat as needed.
Yes, you can. The currency of neighbour countries can by easily purchased in Buenos Aires, you just have to prove that you are actually travelling (i.e.: show tickets). I don't know if you can do it in Cambio (Exchange) houses. Maybe in Banks. Local travel agencies will answer that doubt for free (if you simulate you are planning to buy a touristic package of them).
We breed, train and show jumpers - I live on a farm about 45 min outside of downtown and we have about 40 horses at home, all registered Silla Argentino sporthorses.

My comment about being "worthless" is a bit tongue in cheek. Neighboring countries will *probably* take them but probably at a rate of about 7 pesos to the dollar vs official rate of 4.7 or whatever it is now. I would expect an equal imbalance if attempting to exchange Argentine pesos to Chilean pesos. Basically, no one wants pesos outside of Argentina. So don't exchange a lot of money into pesos, just what you need and then repeat it if necessary.

And the permission from the gov't to exchange at an official rate is what I was saying wasn't going to happen. Xoom wouldn't be recognized and even if you go someplace with your ATM receipt, no one will buy back your leftover pesos at the official rate. Hence my advice to bring dollars and exchange only what you need when you need it. You can do xoom as well if you would rather, always seemed like far too much of a headache. FWIW, I bring back USD every time I go to the US and only exchange 500 USD at a time to pesos and repeat as needed.

CityGirl ... I'm glad you may convince our friend H-A to desist in buying Chilean pesos here. In Chile and Uruguay some Cambio places receive Argie pesos but at a rate above $7 pesos ...!! (I give up).

H-A: The Dollar to Chilean peso rate was $600 in March 2009 since then never went over $540 pesos. Not a couple of months ago!

Info received today from Santiago, Max ATM withdrawal $400 USD. fee $6,27 USD at today's exchange rate or 1.5%.
Info received today from Santiago, Max ATM withdrawal $400 USD. fee $6,27 USD at today's exchange rate or 1.5%.

Chilean financial system sucks, it is set up to Rip-off, to say the least,us the foreigners and Tourists. The country is prospering despite.
The exchange cambio places has different US$~CLP exchage ratio value than published international exchage currency value.
Each one of them Cambio Places offer you the lowest currency exchange ratio and then on top of
will charge you for additional fees to exchange them. They Rip-you off going and coming. I was in Peru last year, very simple ways
practiced there, they all have today's Dollar value vs their currency. You pick the Cambio places most advantagious to you. Finito!
No FEES ! and the _best places to do the _Cambio, it is in the _Supermarkets! They all beat the Cambio Houses rates, they offer the most!
My expats buddies over there in Santiago de Chile all warns me of: Becareful of cambio houses practices, they all will offer you the
lowest possible currency values so to profiteer from you..If you blink, they will robb you in a "new york minute"!!

Rich One, thanks for all your help indeed, I may use Xoom services to re-transfer money sent to BsAs onto Chile~Land!!