Can someone please bring me a mail order bridle from the US?

citygirl said:
Hopefully I'm not annoying you.

Do you have a horse already? (I'm assuming this is for you). If so - breed/size?

1) The only bridles you'll see in black are in dressage.
2) No point in purchasing a girth unless you have measured your horse (have you?).
3) It appears it's also black - which won't match any english saddle unless it's a dressage saddle. (ditto leathers/bridle/reins/etc - we don't use black except in dressage).
4) Are they new leathers? If not, you don't want them - leathers stretch.
5) You need to know the bit size that your horse takes.

Purchasing any type of set is generally a bad idea unless you have multiple horses and can switch/swap different pieces for different horses.

AGain, maybe you're a horse person but if not, when purchasing tack, have someone who has experience help you. Bridles need to be fitted appropriately. Stiff leather will cause rubs, too big/too small will cause pinching. The wrong bit or size can hurt the horse (and in turn, lead to you getting hurt).

Good tack is pricey but it will last forever if maintained properly. But it's very important you get/use the right tack.

I find Citygirl's leather knowledge curiously arousing.

I am shopping some stuff via ebay usa and preparing a box to shipped here from michigan.
The only thing is that i do not know when it will be ready, can you wait? Or are u in a hurry?
If u do not find anyone to ship it let me know.
Careful Napoleon - Empress Josephine will be angry:p

LOL - not a spy, just a horse owner/rider/breeder and currently we have about 30 horses at home here that are in training so I'm pretty familiar with shopping for tack! And yes, I guess I should change my name from citygirl to "campochica" :D