Canadian looking for a new live in BA

Silas XIV said:
Thanks for the honest reply, Phil! I was expecting the pay to be something like that. I'm not sure if this is legal or not, but maybe you could tell me. Is there anyway I can get a call center job here in Canada, and then move to Argentina and get a VOIP box and use my same number from Canada, over here in Argentina? I've heard this can be done, but I'm not too sure on the legality of it!


Yes it could be done, in fact I know someone who does something similar, she works as an interpreter. She has a U.S. phone number but lives in South America. She uses Vonage a VOIP box, not sure if this is available in Canada but I'm sure there's an equivalent. It would work as long as the people you are working for never need to see you in person. You could check around to see if there are call centers that let you work from home. I am not that familiar with how call centers work. The person that does this is a native Spanish speaker that also speaks perfect English. Most of the translations are for medical related stuff. Somebody ends up in the hospital that speaks only Spanish and the doctors need to communicate with the patient as an example. In a good month she makes $1200 or so. She is only paid for the calls she actually does.
Hmmm, $1200 doesn't sound like much, then again, the price of living is also much lower, correct? I know staying in a hostel is really cheap, so I would assume the cost of living isn't that expensive either; just an assumption, I could be mistaken!