Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

PLEASE>>>LET THIS BE THE LAST RESPONSE TO THIS POST. He doesn't even warrant a response.

Thank you
I'm very proud and happy for the protestors yesterday for making their voice heard democratically and peacefully.

Argentina, like other nations has its issues, they just vary. Your post was condescending in many ways. Your post about women was misogynistic and without merit.

So there's my own "protest". To the initiator of this thread.
If your impression of Argentines is true, well then, I am sure you will fit right in.

With a bit of luck you might be able to get yourself one of them dumb, politically unaware Argentine chicks from one of the titty bars in Recoleta and take her back home to NYC.

To be honest, a lot of British people feel exactly the same about the majority of American'ts (USA) but, we tend to apply social etiquette skills taught in the home when engaging with them in the public arena.
Welcome to the board, Cohiba.
Someone will come along shortly and hand you a clue. Take it.
Looks like I stepped on some toes.... Bottom line is: Its a dysfunctional society and people tend to be non-cooperative and negative... regardless of who the president is or is not, things wll not change for the better until THE PEOPLE change!

This is a nation where the rich are determined to evade all taxes at any cost; nobody has obligations if not forced to abide by them....the biggest sovereign default of all time is exhibit one.

Argentina is all about swindling and deception and if you dont understand this you dont really know how things work here.

Argentines I know are largely in agreement with me and Latin Americans of other nations will almost unanimously repeat what I wrote earlier.
To be perfectly honest, I do understand Cohiba's point of view. There are countless times when I find myself with very little faith in this country (which is still very dear to me) and its people. Argentina seems to be a classic example of why so many people throughout the years have warned that if we don't learn from history, it is doomed to repeat itself. This is to the point when I feel frankly like I bet on the wrong horse in every possible way since I chose to come here.

But a part of me still remains firm in the belief that if you spit in the air, it's going to fall in your face. Despite every complete and utter quilombo, past and present, and no matter how many countless instances when the government's or the common citizen's stupidity or state of indifference there are that painfully defy simple logic, I interpret what happened on Thursday night as an indication that there is still a sliver of hope. It was not futile act, period.

You can't simply discount the fact that so many people from all over still find it worth their personal time and effort (without the combis and the panchos and Cocas) to demonstrate that they are still capable of acknowledging what is flat-out wrong and inexcusable. That some (though not all) of the population are not going to be faceless sheep that are going to blindly follow each other off a cliff.

At crazy times like these, it doesn't matter if this or any future attempts have any long-term and revolutionary impact. Who the Hell knows? It's only when it comes to the point that people make the conscious decision to accept these stupid injustices lying down and die that it's truly all lost and beyond repair.
cohiba, you're an idiot!

In general terms I'm in agreement with your assessment of the state of this country and the attitude of it's population, but your pompous know-it-all attitude and misogynistic demotion of women as some kind of underclass marks you out as the kind of nutter that most sane people would be giving a wide berth!
'I know this country better than most.....'
With statements like that my friend, your hanging your a**se out to dry.
What a sanctimonious load of crap.
This is certainly NOT about evading taxes.
Regarding those, I'd say that the primary effect is exclusively making the ruling politicians richer. Little have the people to show for fulfilling their obligations. Feels like fueling the ruling corruption into more greed.

Remember we put (few of) THEM in office to work for (all of) US.

Currently we are trading freedom for additional abuse and fear, slippery slope.
We can''t see the benefits, present or future, of current measures and policies dictated for the common good. It only speaks to us of a darker future.