Cell phone plan without DNI?


Apr 30, 2010
Hey all...

Has anyone been able to obtain a cell phone plan without a DNI? Right now I'm using Claro prepaid, but I feel like I'm recharging it all the time, and I make about 5 minutes worth of calls per week!

I have temporary residence, a CUIL number, paycheck stubs...just no DNI yet. Personal is the only one I've checked with so far, and they said no.

Figured I'd check on here before going on a wild goose chase...has anyone been able to get a plan in their name without a DNI? Specifically, I'm looking to get a data plan for an iphone.
BostonToBA said:
Hey all...

Has anyone been able to obtain a cell phone plan without a DNI? Right now I'm using Claro prepaid, but I feel like I'm recharging it all the time, and I make about 5 minutes worth of calls per week!

I have temporary residence, a CUIL number, paycheck stubs...just no DNI yet. Personal is the only one I've checked with so far, and they said no.

Figured I'd check on here before going on a wild goose chase...has anyone been able to get a plan in their name without a DNI? Specifically, I'm looking to get a data plan for an iphone.

Hey, as far as I know (and last time I checked) it is next to impossible to get a "PLAN" without a DNI. I'm sure you know you can get the pre-paid service.

Again, something might have changed, but I still believe you need a DNI.
I don't have DNI and Claro gave me a plan with an iPhone 3G. When the plan finished I switched to Personal because I wanted the Motorola Milestone which Claro didn't have. Personal would not give me a plan without DNI. I got an Argentinean friend to put the plan in her name for me....sorted.
You need more than just a DNI, you also need permanent residency. I have a DNI and temporary residency, and Movistar would not give me a plan.

I know some people use business accounts to set up plans, but that would require you to know someone with a business who would put you on.