Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
The former Gobernador Capitanich now Head of Cabinet indicated that the Chaco Province has unemployment ZERO % ie everybody is employed.
In Economics 101 we learned that 3% ? is full employment , can 0 % ever be achieved???

Low population (1 million people), so, yes, it is possible. Those province "import" labor force for harvest from Bolivia and Paraguay or other provinces.
It is called "trabajadores golondrina", it means that they just go for the season of sugar harvest or cotton or whatever.
never happened in California with the Migrant workers for the harvest....? well what do you know. :D Schwarzenegger should have gone to Chaco....! :wub:
I hear that like 80 % work for the Chaco Government??
You always have a Plausible explanation.... Good!
So they've finished killing off all of the unemployed, have they?

Monsanto is making Cristina look better every day.
Well, one of the problems of this country is the lack of population. Obviously you don´t know El Chaco or San Luis.

I have been there this weekend by car, so I have a first hand idea of how is it.

While California has 38 million people, el Chaco has 1.There is more work than people. It doesn t mean that it is quality work, the harvest of the sugar is made with machetes, so they need a lot of people. I translate this: they don´t use machinery for the sugar harvest, people do it with big knives (machetes).

While California has 400.000 Km2, Chaco has 99.000 Km2. If you put proportionally the population of California in the Chaco territory, then you have 10 million people.

So, zero unemployment at Chaco means nothing. It only shows the lack of population. Buenos Aires province is something different.

By the way, I mentioned that they have low quality employment: they work under the table, without medical insurance for about 1000 pesos a month.

I pick up one of those guys on the road because he was walking back home to Santa Fe from Chaco. He was blind of one eye because a Yarara snake bited him while he was working when he was 12. The poison of Yarara destroy your eyes before killing you.

So, as I usually say, if you are going to critize, do it properly.