Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

or with the dictatorship where two person meetings were prohibited, and you could not walk at night in the streets.

Please stop with your simplistic arguments. Do you know more people are dying per year because of crime in Argentina per year than when we lived in the so called dictatorship ? We are living under fear every day , fear to go out, fear to catch a train, fear to open our door of our house, the fear that we live today is terrible.....
Well, one of the problems of this country is the lack of population. Obviously you don´t know El Chaco or San Luis.

I have been there this weekend by car, so I have a first hand idea of how is it.

While California has 38 million people, el Chaco has 1.There is more work than people. It doesn t mean that it is quality work, the harvest of the sugar is made with machetes, so they need a lot of people. I translate this: they don´t use machinery for the sugar harvest, people do it with big knives (machetes).

While California has 400.000 Km2, Chaco has 99.000 Km2. If you put proportionally the population of California in the Chaco territory, then you have 10 million people.

So, zero unemployment at Chaco means nothing. It only shows the lack of population. Buenos Aires province is something different.

By the way, I mentioned that they have low quality employment: they work under the table, without medical insurance for about 1000 pesos a month.

I pick up one of those guys on the road because he was walking back home to Santa Fe from Chaco. He was blind of one eye because a Yarara snake bited him while he was working when he was 12. The poison of Yarara destroy your eyes before killing you.

So, as I usually say, if you are going to critize, do it properly.

Your reasoning is again flawed ...!! According to Professor Samuelson Nobel Prize winner , he stated that there always will be people between jobs making Zero unemployment impossible !

Nothing to do with the the size of the population....! For example if the unemployment in Chaco is 6 % on a given month, comes the harvest then 20,000 laborers are needed , so Bolivians an Paraguayans come in to fill those jobs. So what happened to the unemployed prior to the harvest???? vanished? :cool:
Well, given that we, and more importantly Argentines, can exchange views freely without the threat of being tortured then thrown out of a plane into the sea, then, err, yes. Quite obviously.

Yes and how many were thrown out of planes Mr Dublin? There are every day over 10 people who are killed in our provinces due to the crime wave sweeping Argentina and this I am sure that most intelligent people will believe is a figure worse than ever in the history of Argentina.
Hey Bajo,

I have a technical question for you:

Since you mentioned there is alot of work en negro in Chaco, are you familiar with how that shows up in unemployment figures? With Argentina as a whole for example, I always figured the rate was alot lower than what is published. I.e., right now the official rate is at 6.8% but given the high rate of undocumented workers it must be lower, since neither the employers nor the employees would report the employment situation properly to a government survey. Thus 7% unemployment here doesn't seem as serious here as 7% did in the US (although unemployment there has been under-reported in official figures since at least the 90's).

So logically, if there is officially 0% unemployment in Chaco, would that mean an actual unemployment of -3%? Or perhaps government surveys have a way of at least estimating how many people are working en negro?

Again this is an honest question and I'm not trying to make a point.


There are statics too about irregular employment as soon as it is legal for the worker to work under the table. It is illegal for the employer. They take in consideration the irregular unemployment as far as I remember from university.
Too many of my fellow argentinians lie on this forum and drum up support for a decaying government . When is 1,000 pesos a month called working? This is starvation and nothing more as the norther provinces have the most deaths by malnutrition in Argentina , Bajocero do you even care ?

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I was doing a serious critic to the zero unemployment in Chaco.
Should I be more explicit? Should I include hate?
The guy I took in my car was walking back home by foot. It is an over 1000 kilometers walk under the sun with 35 degrees. Nobody give them a lift (is that the way to say it?) because they travel with they machetes. Do you really think I don´t care? What did you do about it?
You have low intelligence like a monkey actually and you make me so ashamed of the argentinian people today. Chaco is the poorest province of Argentina and 90% of its workers are human slaves earning less than US $ 150 per month. This is not working but esclavitud nothing more nothing less.

We are saying the same, it is only that you don t understand it. So, who has low intelligence?
Yes and how many were thrown out of planes Mr Dublin? There are every day over 10 people who are killed in our provinces due to the crime wave sweeping Argentina and this I am sure that most intelligent people will believe is a figure worse than ever in the history of Argentina.

Well, become an expat in North Korea then. I guess there will be no visa runs.