Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

Hey Bajo,

I have a technical question for you:

Since you mentioned there is alot of work en negro in Chaco, are you familiar with how that shows up in unemployment figures? With Argentina as a whole for example, I always figured the rate was alot lower than what is published. I.e., right now the official rate is at 6.8% but given the high rate of undocumented workers it must be lower, since neither the employers nor the employees would report the employment situation properly to a government survey. Thus 7% unemployment here doesn't seem as serious here as 7% did in the US (although unemployment there has been under-reported in official figures since at least the 90's).

So logically, if there is officially 0% unemployment in Chaco, would that mean an actual unemployment of -3%? Or perhaps government surveys have a way of at least estimating how many people are working en negro?

Again this is an honest question and I'm not trying to make a point.

It just couldn't possibly be that INDEC, who publish fake inflation figures and fake GDP growth figures, would by any chance publish fake unemployment numbers, now could it!

I mean yes the US definitely under-reports unemployment figures but when it comes to unemployment figures INDEC set examples for the rest of the world as the angels of the statistics world...

Got it!
Too many of my fellow argentinians lie on this forum and drum up support for a decaying government . When is 1,000 pesos a month called working? This is starvation and nothing more as the norther provinces have the most deaths by malnutrition in Argentina , Bajocero do you even care ?

Very simply: INDEC publishes false inflation rates because Argentina owes $38bn in debt that is pegged to the INDEC's inflation numbers. (i.e., lower INDEC inflation means less money we pay to loansharks like the Paris Club). While all countries seem to play loosey-goosey with employment numbers, the fact that INDEC blatantly lies about inflation has nothing to do with whatever they're doing with unemployment figures.
The people I do not like Matias and co they speak to others like we are fools using simple childish arguments that the country is better that it was in 2001. PLEASE!!!! the country collapsed into shreds then of course it seems better than then but it it it much worse than it was 20 years ago and even worse than 50 years ago.!
Hey Bajo,

I have a technical question for you:

Since you mentioned there is alot of work en negro in Chaco, are you familiar with how that shows up in unemployment figures? With Argentina as a whole for example, I always figured the rate was alot lower than what is published. I.e., right now the official rate is at 6.8% but given the high rate of undocumented workers it must be lower, since neither the employers nor the employees would report the employment situation properly to a government survey. Thus 7% unemployment here doesn't seem as serious here as 7% did in the US (although unemployment there has been under-reported in official figures since at least the 90's).

So logically, if there is officially 0% unemployment in Chaco, would that mean an actual unemployment of -3%? Or perhaps government surveys have a way of at least estimating how many people are working en negro?

Again this is an honest question and I'm not trying to make a point.


unemployment is measured by the ones who look for work and not find, or have been looking for the last week or month. Im not sure but is something like this. So if you have no job, and you did not search the last week or month you re technically in the employed statistics.
Its a big joke.
Low population (1 million people), so, yes, it is possible. Those province "import" labor force for harvest from Bolivia and Paraguay or other provinces.
It is called "trabajadores golondrina", it means that they just go for the season of sugar harvest or cotton or whatever.

You have low intelligence like a monkey actually and you make me so ashamed of the argentinian people today. Chaco is the poorest province of Argentina and 90% of its workers are human slaves earning less than US $ 150 per month. This is not working but esclavitud nothing more nothing less.
The people I do not like Matias and co they speak to others like we are fools using simple childish arguments that the country is better that it was in 2001. PLEASE!!!! the country collapsed into shreds then of course it seems better than then but it it it much worse than it was 20 years ago and even worse than 50 years ago.!

you not like me? what a pitty!!! I like soooooo much your participations with ajo, your comments, always positive, always contributing to the thread or the forum.
And you say we re not better than 2001?, with 54% under the poverty line, virtually no industry, 25% unemployment, lots of people eating for the trash in barrio norte, lots of people begging, etc, etc, you have no fu**ing idea what are you talking about.

just think that it was a crisis, and today we re growing, not in default, with a fiscal superavit, commercial superavit, reserves (dont know for how long, lets see how these measures work).... we re A LOT better than 2001. Period.
Matías you misread Samiam; he didn't say we were better off in 2001, he said we were better in 1993 (when Menem was selling off public resources for a song, and unemployment was shooting through the roof, laying the groundwork for 2001).
Matías you misread Samiam; he didn't say we were better off in 2001, he said we were better in 1993 (when Menem was selling off public resources for a song, and unemployment was shooting through the roof, laying the groundwork for 2001).

or with the dictatorship where two person meetings were prohibited, and you could not walk at night in the streets.