Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

Your reasoning is again flawed ...!! According to Professor Samuelson Nobel Prize winner , he stated that there always will be people between jobs making Zero unemployment impossible !

Nothing to do with the the size of the population....! For example if the unemployment in Chaco is 6 % on a given month, comes the harvest then 20,000 laborers are needed , so Bolivians an Paraguayans come in to fill those jobs. So what happened to the unemployed prior to the harvest???? vanished? :cool:

Chaco is complex because they have native population, about 60.000 quoms (http://es.wikipedia....antidad_de_Qoms) but there are other tribes too. I read an article I cannot find now where they critize the zero unemployment because there is a lot of people not looking for a job there. They are not included in statics and they assert that, if you include them, the unemployment would be 20%. However, this people are native who follow his ancient way of life and they are not interested about looking for a job.

Regarding your comment, there are not general rules you can apply world wide. When you have a particular situation, you have to study it in order to find out its own rule. Japan economy is a good example where the classic economy "rules" doesn´t work out. So, when the harvest happens, this 6% you mention get a job plus the other 350.000 golondrina workers this country has, plus the golondrinas who comes from border countries. So, 350.000 golondrinas workers over a population of 1.000.000 people makes a big difference, doesn´t it?. Add the workers of Bolivia and Paraguay we have no information about.

Very simply: INDEC publishes false inflation rates because Argentina owes $38bn in debt that is pegged to the INDEC's inflation numbers. (i.e., lower INDEC inflation means less money we pay to loan sharks like the Paris Club). While all countries seem to play loosey-goosey with employment numbers, the fact that INDEC blatantly lies about inflation has nothing to do with whatever they're doing with unemployment figures.
Any thing regarding the INDEC that begins with "Very Simply" is conveniently overly simplified. The bond tied INDEC inflation numbers are screwing allot more than just loan sharks. They are screwing anyone who put faith in a bond or who was forced to put faith in a bond.
We are saying the same, it is only that you don t understand it. So, who has low intelligence?

I read your posts here and I cringe with shame. You support the unsupportable and talk about human rights when clearly there is a lack of them in many places in our country, I love love Argentina and will never leave but we can be so much better . Why accept mediocrity?
"Why accept mediocrity?" Be careful Bajo loves the Ks and the Ks personify mediocrity.
LOL What is this kindergarten? Lets all pinky swear to be friends!

Very simply: INDEC publishes false inflation rates because Argentina owes $38bn in debt that is pegged to the INDEC's inflation numbers. (i.e., lower INDEC inflation means less money we pay to loansharks like the Paris Club). While all countries seem to play loosey-goosey with employment numbers, the fact that INDEC blatantly lies about inflation has nothing to do with whatever they're doing with unemployment figures.


First of all, none of INDEC's statistics are accepted as legitimate by people outside the current government anymore. Not inflation, not GDP growth, nothing.

While all countries seem to play loosey-goosey with employment numbers

Lets contrast that with what you said before:

With Argentina as a whole for example, I always figured the rate was alot lower than what is published. I.e., right now the official rate is at 6.8% but given the high rate of undocumented workers it must be lower, since neither the employers nor the employees would report the employment situation properly to a government survey.

Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be under the impression that INDEC are honestly publishing (because, you know, the fact that they are blatantly dishonest on everything else should have no bearing on anything else) unemployment numbers without, to use your words, playing loosey-goosey with them so you figured that unemployment numbers must be lower since the honest to God INDEC probably don't figure workers en negro in their numbers.

Whatever your opinions might be about this government if any of the numbers would be f***ed with it would be the unemployment numbers. The Kirchners have tried to paint themselves as Peron y Eva reincarnate. And the one thing that these people tout as the success of their "modelo" is that "unemployment numbers are low or non existent" (Peronistas claim that as one of the best things about Peronismo). Do you honestly believe that they'll fake inflation numbers and GDP numbers but not unemployment numbers? (This is a serious question, I'm not trying to mock.)
Statistics are a black hole, if some one wants to say that someone who has sporadic, non-contracted labour for a few months a year is "employed" so be it. To me that's a paper thin definition. I wouldn't herald it from the rooftops and expect not to be mocked personally.

Once that heralded & manipulated statistic becomes more important than the irrefutable reality of poverty and casual labour then the wagon is in the ditch with it's wheels spinning in the air.
Chaco is complex because they have native population, about 60.000 quoms (http://es.wikipedia....antidad_de_Qoms) but there are other tribes too. I read an article I cannot find now where they critize the zero unemployment because there is a lot of people not looking for a job there. They are not included in statics and they assert that, if you include them, the unemployment would be 20%. However, this people are native who follow his ancient way of life and they are not interested about looking for a job.

Regarding your comment, there are not general rules you can apply world wide. When you have a particular situation, you have to study it in order to find out its own rule. Japan economy is a good example where the classic economy "rules" doesn´t work out. So, when the harvest happens, this 6% you mention get a job plus the other 350.000 golondrina workers this country has, plus the golondrinas who comes from border countries. So, 350.000 golondrinas workers over a population of 1.000.000 people makes a big difference, doesn´t it?. Add the workers of Bolivia and Paraguay we have no information about.

Bajo_Zero ... I stated my views you exposed yours. I rest my case , let the readers decide in their own judgement about the ZERO unemployment claims of Coqui in Chaco.... :wub:
