Changing Money at EZE


Sep 14, 2010
I know there is a bank that everyone uses on the arrival side after clearing customs, but does anyone know if there's a similar bank on the departures side? I'd like to convert some pesos into USD while I leave tomorrow. If not, I assume I can just go to the one on the arrivals side before heading over to departures.

Actually, my problem is the reverse.

I'm in Buenos Aires now, but I'm leaving for the US tomorrow. I need to convert my pesos into USD.
I could - what is that and where would I find one? :) I thought it might make more sense at EZE since I'll have finishing spending money at that point.
I would assume you can do it at banco de la nacion which is by the migraciones booth at departures (first floor).
citygirl said:
I would assume you can do it at banco de la nacion which is by the migraciones booth at departures (first floor).

I think that's the one the OP is referring to - it's next to arrivals, but just a 2 minute walk from the check-in counters. Check in (the bank wants to see a boarding pass), then turn right, go to the very end to arrivals, and look to the left of where everyone's coming out from customs. Hard to miss it.
ben said:
I think that's the one the OP is referring to - it's next to arrivals, but just a 2 minute walk from the check-in counters. Check in (the bank wants to see a boarding pass), then turn right, go to the very end to arrivals, and look to the left of where everyone's coming out from customs. Hard to miss it.


You can just walk over to the Arrivals area and go to Banco de la Nacion Argentina and change your money at their window that is OUTSIDE of the secured area. It's re facil and it's the best rate that you'll get at the airport.

Napoleon said:

You can just walk over to the Arrivals area and go to Banco de la Nacion Argentina and change your money at their window that is OUTSIDE of the secured area. It's re facil and it's the best rate that you'll get at the airport.

And you can buy pesos there, at Banco de la Nacion, at a very good rate contrary to what Lee (above) says.