

Dec 7, 2014
Pleasant surprise at Carrefour today.

Haven't tried it yet but that's quite a bit cheaper than the la Suerte cheddar.
Plesent surprise at Carrefour today.

Haven't tried it yet but that's quite a bit cheaper than the la Suerte cheddar.

Cracker Barrel cheddar, a very definitely US style of cheddar cheese, has been around for decades, and it's a pretty good product. Can you tell me which Carrefour? Let me know and I'll make a run for some!
Does anyone know if these are like proper British strong mature cheddars or like the shit they call cheddar here?
Does anyone know if these are like proper British strong mature cheddars or like the shit they call cheddar here?

I just tried it, it's good. It's not a british style cheddar but it isn't anything like the crap they call cheddar here. It's aged and strong,yet as Joe Gills mentioned, distinctly american style. The La Suerte brand cheddar is british style and quite good if you have a craving. Its usually available at Jumbo and some Discos otherwise at high end fiambrerias like valenti.

This was the Carrefour on the corner of Arribeños and Monroe. They've recently completed a total renovation and are some other highlights including freshly made sushi to go (not great but better than the comprable offerings in chinatown), the best baguette to be had in a grocery story (better than 99% of the panaderias in the city) and a slick check out pager that calls you when there is an open register so you don't have to wait in lines.

edit: I'd guess it'd be available at the big carrefour in palermo as well. Thats usually where they have the best selection of their products.
Just wait with the restrictions coming down I bet you will soon have all kinds of new goodies. I remember when we moved to URU and went shopping and saw tartar sauce I was like OMG then one day I encountered Sweet Italian Sausage. I stood there looking at it for like a minute and I was like.. WoW. Then my wife asks me what is going on. I said Sweet Italian Sausage I bought that and went straight home and made some home made tomato sauce and pasta with Sweet Italian Sausage. ^_^
errrr. cracker barrel: the cheese that was always available 'cuz the good stuff was sold out, and that's what was left.
not a fan, but in a pinch it's still miles ahead of the local cheddar farce.
I've found passable mild versions in past years - rarely - but never anything really good and sharp. I'm sure that after a long while without, even this would taste great.
Cracker Barrel is a decent COMMERCIAL American Cheddar. It really is not that different from a lot of commercial British made cheddars I've bought outside Britain. Valenti used to sell a better quality Argentine cheddar - a bit dry but not bad. I don't know if they have it now. I went to Tandil once and found a nice cheese shop with a number of fairly good quality cheese made in Tandil but in general Argentina does not seem to value quality cheese. I think very very few Argentines have ever actually had quality cheese, so they have no means of comparison. It really is a shame as cheese is such a basic food.
errrr. cracker barrel: the cheese that was always available
Really? I've never seen it before and I am always looking for more options at the cheese section.

I didn't try the yellow extra sharp one, just the white "aged reserve" and while not a mind blowing cheddar it's Certainly passable