Chicago, The Musical


Jun 30, 2010
Has anyone see this production of Chicago in town? My Spanish is very limited so I was wondering if all of the music is sung in Spanish. I don't think that it would quite be the same but oh well........
This is shocking - not 1 response that anyone in Buenos Aires has seen this classic American musical.
I would think that pretty much any musical or big production would be adapted to the local dominant language. I haven't been to see it, but the internet is your friend. ;) This is all you need to know:

Oh, that, and the fact that it seems that Argentines LOVE to clap along to music, even when wildly inappropriate. There is a youtube clip where they're clapping along to the instrumental of All That Jazz. Makes me laugh every time it happens. Anyway, if you really enjoy this musical you will probably enjoy yourself and have a very memorable time if you go, if for nothing else than the cultural discrepancies and differences in interpretation.
I went and saw chicago a few months ago and it is wonderful! If you like musicals, you will not be disappointed. It is in all spanish (songs and everything), so you may want to be debriefed on the plot ahead of time.