
I sent my CUIL and accountant's income certification letter and got an email from the office yesterday saying the following:

Se le hace saber que ya agregamos la documentacion y ordene que se libren los oficios. Le solicito que dentro de un mes me envie un nuevo mail pidiendo un turno para retirarlo.

In a month I guess I schedule the appointment to obtain the letter? Not exactly sure what I'm removing in this context for retirarlo but I assume it's that as I can't think of anything else, so we'll see in March.
I sent my CUIL and accountant's income certification letter and got an email from the office yesterday saying the following:

Se le hace saber que ya agregamos la documentacion y ordene que se libren los oficios. Le solicito que dentro de un mes me envie un nuevo mail pidiendo un turno para retirarlo.

In a month I guess I schedule the appointment to obtain the letter? Not exactly sure what I'm removing in this context for retirarlo but I assume it's that as I can't think of anything else, so we'll see in March.
The oficios are the official request of info about you to Immigration, RENAPER, Police, INTERPOL, etc. They are saying that in 1 months you have to pick them up to deliver them. Among us, it takes 10 minutes to do them.
I sent my CUIL and accountant's income certification letter and got an email from the office yesterday saying the following:

Se le hace saber que ya agregamos la documentacion y ordene que se libren los oficios. Le solicito que dentro de un mes me envie un nuevo mail pidiendo un turno para retirarlo.

In a month I guess I schedule the appointment to obtain the letter? Not exactly sure what I'm removing in this context for retirarlo but I assume it's that as I can't think of anything else, so we'll see in March.
Follow your case online. At some point there will be un "escrito" update once it's in you can email and ask for turno to pick the oficios. If you have no idea what oficios that's
Welp. Actually its not by mail but i'm waiting for the judge to give the sentence. if positive we'll schedule the oath then. lets see if we wrap this up in by April. (or have to start all over again)