
Steve, we were talking about Permanent Residency regarding if they double check or not your in & outs of the country. When you have PR judges do not care about migratory movements.

A second topic is half of the judges enforce DNU 70/2017 without mentioned it, DNU that requieres 2 previous years of legal residency. However, DNU 70/2017 was a resurrection of germanic Law 21.795 and its decree 1312/79 required Permanent Residency. So, there is no ban for them to ask PR.

dsp27 had one of the best judges and this makes her feel a false understanding of how things really works.
Are you actually claiming that half the judges in CABA will refuse la carta de ciudadanía for someone with a temporaria for 2 years and a DNI?

Steve, dnu 70/17 explicitly said 2 years temporaria or permanente. It did not limit it only to PR. That s what I mean by the law. Even if half the judges still in force it it should not make a difference.

P.S. I had Bracamonte which is not exactly the easiest judge ;)
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1. No. I said that 5 the judges at CABA enforces DNU 70/2017 and 2 of them also enforce Decree 1312/79.
2. To know to read does not mean to know about law. The silence of the law is supplied by roman law. In the case of Federal Law 346 is the Corpus Iuris Civilis and in the case of province Decree 70/2017, 21.795 and 1312/79 is the Theodosian Code that has a wide regulation about adscription to land, work, etc, all of them permanent relationships.
3. It should not make difference? Aja.
4. Wrong again. If you have legal residency, then she is the most efficient.
1. No. I said that 5 the judges at CABA enforces DNU 70/2017 and 2 of them also enforce Decree 1312/79.
2. To know to read does not mean to know about law. The silence of the law is supplied by roman law. In the case of Federal Law 346 is the Corpus Iuris Civilis and in the case of province Decree 70/2017, 21.795 and 1312/79 is the Theodosian Code that has a wide regulation about adscription to land, work, etc, all of them permanent relationships.
3. It should not make difference? Aja.
4. Wrong again. If you have legal residency, then she is the most efficient.
Hi guys, Need to present WU transfers but not sure how to do it so it will be legit for the court?
Well they are not asking literally for all the WU "activity", but ask for all the comporobantes of the money I was getting. Guess through which system most of us are getting (wu).

I have 100% emails with MTCN are those legit?
Or they mean papers that you get while picking up cash? (those I dont have and WU told me they cant print copy of it, I was not keeping those good, I may have maybe 10%).
I have 100% emails with MTCN are those legit?

I think if you want to play it by the book, you are supposed to get a public accountant, he analyzes your transactions and makes an official statement that you have transferred this amount of money into the country during this period.

Now. It looks like the court wants to give you a slack and is ready to admit something less formal as a supporting evidence. Go to the WU website and print statements of every transfer that you made for the period they are asking. May be this will be enough for them.

You are asking about something that is not standard. It may be not "legit" per se, but may be sufficient for given purpose in this particular situation.
Well they are not asking literally for all the WU "activity", but ask for all the comporobantes of the money I was getting. Guess through which system most of us are getting (wu).

I have 100% emails with MTCN are those legit?
Or they mean papers that you get while picking up cash? (those I dont have and WU told me they cant print copy of it, I was not keeping those good, I may have maybe 10%).
I submitted 3 months of Bank statements showing incoming WU transactions. Went to my bank and had the manager sign and stamp the statement. Also submitted certificado de contador publico. And an escrito (see below for an example).


XXX, por derecho propio, con domicilio constituido en XXX (e-mail: XXX), CUIL: XXX, en los autos caratulados “XXX s/SOLICITUD DE CARTA DE CIUDADANIA” EXPTE N° X/XXX que se tramita ante el XXX, a V.S. respetuosamente digo:

I.- Acompaño una certificación de ingresos personales emitida por contador público con la legalización correspondiente.

II.- Oportunamente, acredito el modo por el cual percibo dichos ingresos a la República Argentina. Manifiesto que deposito ciertos montos de fondos suficiente para atender a mi manutención a una cuenta propia en Banco XXX, por intermedio de Western Union Financial Services Argentina S.r.l. (CUIT: 30-69116142-7), institución financiera autorizada por el Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA). Acompaño el ultimo resumen de caja de ahorro certificado por una asistente comercial del Banco XXX— período XXX al XXX, asimismo los últimos tres (3) recibos de trasferencia en dicho periodo.

Pido se tenga presente. -

Provea V.S. de conformidad por ser JUSTICIA.

Well they are not asking literally for all the WU "activity", but ask for all the comporobantes of the money I was getting. Guess through which system most of us are getting (wu).

I have 100% emails with MTCN are those legit?
Or they mean papers that you get while picking up cash? (those I dont have and WU told me they cant print copy of it, I was not keeping those good, I may have maybe 10%).
I submitted 3 months of Bank statements showing incoming WU transactions. Went to my bank and had the manager sign and stamp the statement. Also submitted certificado de contador publico. And an escrito...
I think if you want to play it by the book, you are supposed to get a public accountant, he analyzes your transactions and makes an official statement that you have transferred this amount of money into the country during this period.

Now. It looks like the court wants to give you a slack and is ready to admit something less formal as a supporting evidence. Go to the WU website and print statements of every transfer that you made for the period they are asking. May be this will be enough for them.

Perhaps you have already asked if the court will accept the email receipts for the funds you sent and pickd up in person as well as whether or not you need a certificado de contador publico and have everything worked out. I hope tha'ts the case..

If not, and as you don't have the official (signed) receipts for the transfers you picked up in person, I think it would be a very good idea to get a certificado de contador, first, by doing as Lunar suggested and "print statements of every transfer that you made for the period they are asking."

If you go to the history of your transactions in the WU website, you will be able see the details and then print the "comprobante" of the individual transfers which have been COMPLETED.

Unless you are downloading them in pdf form to send to an accountant, I suggest you print these with a color printer as the WU logo will appear in yellow and black and the word "COMPLETED" will appear in green.

I would also print the email receipts (aka comprobantes) you received when you made the transfers. This way you will have the evidence that, hopefully, the accountant can certify that you not ony received the fuds in Argentina, but also sent the funds to yourself.

Even if you had all of the receipts for the WU tramsfers you received in the past few month, I would be surprised if any of the courts did not ask for a certificado de contador which not only certifies that you are receiving the funds in Argentina, but also certifies the origin of the funds.

If printing the email receipts as well as the data of the previous three months of transfers from the WU website is not sufficient, you might have to make additonal transfers for as long a period as the court requires to get enough official receipts when you pick up the funds.

Perhaps it would delay your case, but probably not derail it.
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