Cocheras $$$ Quemacoches !! Auto Insurance Coverage??

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
The Quemacoches strike again in Villa Crespo 4 autos torched. I guess the price of Parking spaces Cocheras will go up further, current price is around $800 in Recoleta..!! Street Parking overnight is a high risk. :eek:

Be very concerned auto insurance does not cover torching via Molotov as acts of Vandalism, Only covers accidental fire?? :cool:

Some locals will retort that more cars were torched in the outskirts of Paris, or in Krackovia.... :D which is of no concern to me!!
Burnt a ford ka and a fiesta, no one parks expensive cars on the street....well, no one sane.
Burnt a ford ka and a fiesta, no one parks expensive cars on the street....well, no one sane.
when this started they were targetting more expensive cars. i remember an alfa romeo in saavedra just to name one.

some attacks were not at night
Burnt a ford ka and a fiesta, no one parks expensive cars on the street....well, no one sane.

My neighbor parks his cayenne on the street, can't believe it, but he leaves it there every night since I moved in and of a an hour ago its still there and un vandalized so I guess if you can get away with it...
Araoz and Berutti Palermo Mercedes Benz torched by the quemacoches ...!! Anarchists, Amigos de La Tierra Group are responsible

Oh I feel like I'm looking at pictures outside my front gate. 3 so far this month and counting.