I am sure
@perry already knows that Italy is a special case and the price controls on a single shot of espresso imposed by their government in - wait for it! - 1999 when the country converted to the Euro, are still in play. They apply only to a single shot, served standing at the counter: if you want it any other way it will cost a lot, lot more.
Italy is a special case too in the way their cafes are owned and managed. Whilst most/many cafes elsewhere which are not independents are run on the franchise system (think Starbucks or Tim Horton, Bonafide or Havanna) in Italy the tied cafes are owned by the coffee producing companies. The nearest equivalent I can think of is the way most pubs in the UK are owned by the breweries. It changes the dynamics: for example, a cafe that is losing money may be kept open by the coffee manufacturer because of the advertising value of its location