Common courtesy in Buenos Aires

I cant think of a city anywhere in the world where people dont play loud music at 9am. Has nothing to do with Argentina.
Singapore or Barcelona, LA or Vancouver, it happens everywhere.

As an old fart, I go to bed early and wake up early. Even in BA, its rare for me to be up much past 2 am , which means by 9 am, I am usually padding about, listening to music. Good thing you dont live next to me- today, at 6, I was blasting 23 Skidoo- tribal drums, dub bass, free jazz horns and strange found tape loops. I like techno a lot around breakfast time too...

At my apartment in BA, even on Sundays, the buses and traffic are honking by 9am. In LA, or NYC, or even Seattle, construction starts at 7am, backup beepers are on all delivery trucks, and rap music blasts from every other passing car.

Its called living in the city, and its a worldwide condition.

Much worse, in my opinion, is rural Bali- where the neighbor has 50 fighting cocks, which all start crowing promptly at 4:30 every day, and continue for two hours or so...
I have a mad neighbour in the flat below. I first met her when she knocked on my door at 2pm on saturday, screaming that I was playing music and she needed to sleep. Apparently she works nights, and there's a legally enshrined right to peace and quiet between 1-3pm for siesta.

I apologised, bought her a bottle of wine and promised not to play music during the day.

A couple of months later she rang my doorbell at 7.30 and screamed at me for walking on my floors. Apparently my footsteps were distrubing her. She then phoned my landlady and threatented to make a "denuncia" if I continued to disturb her, which if it was upheld would lead to me getting evicted. Not really sure how to avoid walking on my floor, but spoke to the building management and they said she's a nutter and not to worry....

Anyways, if you have a problem and don't want to speak to your neighbour then speak to your consierge. If they do nothing speak to your landlord and let them know you're having problems and they need to be sorted.
I'm so glad I live in a PH. Woke up at 10:30 this morning to the sound of rain on the roof. said:
Some people just don`t care other, lack of education or whatever but I couldn`t tolerate loud music 9 in the morning.

Thanks for your take on this. Am I right that it is the culture here to have no regard for others? I know, I am not talking about the majority of the people here but I have had the lucky (NOT) to find this sort of behavior everywhere I have lived in the city.
RescueMe said:
Am I right that it is the culture here to have no regard for others?

Not really. I've had strangers bend over backwards to be helpful and find people on the whole to be very considerate. Speaking spanish helps, people rarely go out of their way to help indignant tourists.
rmartinbuenosaires said:
I waited until the meat was perfectly done. There was no one outside. I took a huge pail of water and aimed directly over the parrilla...and a perfect aim it was.

Revenge is a dish best served cold! Your story made my day!
sergio said:
At least you can talk to this person. I had a neighbor who constantly played loud music. I spoke to her many times. After knocking on her door and asking her to turn the music down she would comply - for a few minutes. Then the music would go back to its normal level.

Seems the memory of some is short term. We have been down the road of talking with this family. It has gotten to the point where we would have to knock on the door everyday. At this point I am thinking that medication and alcohol is all I need to adjust to the wonderful neighbors that I have.
RescueMe said:
And the other 20 families living in the building? Is the mentailty here, "fun with my family and to HELL with everyone else." It is about respect for others. And the fact that I am explaining it to you means that you just don't get it!

I must say that for someone so obsessed with respect for others, you sure don't seem to have a lot of it yourself saying stuff like: When I remove nasty stuff from underneath my shoes I will be thinking of you

I hope you're just really mad right now and venting here, but if not: Maybe toning down your language and/or attitude will help you have better experiences with neighbours and other people in the future..