Consumers Defense Law 24240

Very interesting, is this law going to affect the airline tickets???:(
The law is current actually since march, so I suggest filing a claim at Consumers Defense, you cannot be charged a different rate whatsoever.

ARTICULO 8º bis: Trato digno. Prácticas abusivas. Los proveedores deberán garantizar condiciones de atención y trato digno y equitativo a los consumidores y usuarios. Deberán abstenerse de desplegar conductas que coloquen a los consumidores en situaciones vergonzantes, vejatorias o intimidatorias. No podrán ejercer sobre los consumidores extranjeros diferenciación alguna sobre precios, calidades técnicas o comerciales o cualquier otro aspecto relevante sobre los bienes y servicios que comercialice. Cualquier excepción a lo señalado deberá ser autorizada por la autoridad de aplicación en razones de interés general debidamente fundadas.

En los reclamos extrajudiciales de deudas, deberán abstenerse de utilizar cualquier medio que le otorgue la apariencia de reclamo judicial.

Tales conductas, además de las sanciones previstas en la presente ley, podrán ser pasibles de la multa civil establecida en el artículo 52 bis de la presente norma, sin perjuicio de otros resarcimientos que correspondieren al consumidor, siendo ambas penalidades extensivas solidariamente a quien actuare en nombre del proveedor.

(Artículo incorporado por art. 6° de la Ley N° 26.361 B.O. 7/4/2008)
This is really good news, I am tired of paying twice as much as my Argentine friends when I fly here in Argentina, and reading Nikad's post it should apply to airline tickets.
Hi! I work in a travel agency and so far we werent informed that changes were made regarding tourist and domestic airlines reservations. At the moment, Aerolineas Argentinas and Lan Argentina have special classes for "non argentineans" when travelling domestic routes. And in case you make your international flights with Aerolineas Argentinas, there are more classes available to book.
It would be useful to call Consumers' Defense to have the official word on that
Cualquier excepción a lo señalado deberá ser autorizada por la autoridad de aplicación en razones de interés general debidamente fundadas.

Any exception to the above must be authorised by the authorities for duly substantiated interest to the general public.... something to that effect, not the best translation but you get the drift.

I bet you anything Aerolineas conveniently falls under that exception. Especially now as it is being bought back by the government no? For them, it would be in the "general interest" of the public (ie argentine public) to make sure an enterprise such as an airline at least attempts to make some earnings by overcharging non-nationals.

Will be curious to hear anyone's experiences upon trying to challenge. Let us know!