Container Gardening / Balcony Gardening

I will seek her out and unburden her of her supply of red peppers! Hottest food I ever ate was an ethiopian dish (have i spelt that correctly GarlicGarlic?) in Minneapolis of all places, I intend to reproduce it for a friend of mine from BA who claims he likes hot food and can handle any heat. It was painfully hot.
I don't know if any of you had aphids, but I was a little leery of the insecticide I bought at the store as it had to be replied every month and a half, and that seems pretty strong to me. I googled for aphids, and at least on the flower I have now - I think it's a tiger lily, sticking cut up banana peels (julienned) all the way around it about an inch down really did get rid of them. I had to wait a week, and now there's no sign. YES!
Also, has anyone composted here? I found this link: but that pacha brand seems to be defunct as a source for containers. Or, they don't do online sales.