Controversial Argentinian Video

To get back to the original point, I think us Brits should offer the Argentine Olympic teams the use of the Falklands to train for the games. Sadly they cant do it here as Moreno has had the US$4m worth of equipment they ordered, impounded in customs for months on the basis they need to export something of equal value (see La Nacion today). Surprises me as they have already exported Messi who must be worth more than a few bicycles and dumbbells? It would be a great publicity stunt too jajaja
westofwall said:
--Some of you may be familiar with Goodwin's Law, which states that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

--Something similar always seems to happen on these boards, wherein any discussion of Argentine politics (and many other topics) quickly devolves into a "Bush was an idiot then and/or Obama is an idiot now" would be nice if people could either give that tired subject a rest or start another thread on the board to vent.

Yes, I know it will never happen, but I can dream, can't I??

p.s., Cristina's "Wag the Dog" strategy seems to working for her in the short term, though I imagine we'll be seeing her escape the Casa Rosada via helicopter before her term ends. I've got my popcorn ready...

It did not take that long, the 3rd person was already doing parallelism between Cristina and Hitler. Probably at BAExpat the Exponential Goodwin's Law applies as people are too quickly to judge the government here with a different set of standards to the one they applied to their respective governments back home.

Instead of calling the president Hitler, people here could be witty like this British response that caught the essence of Argentina, a country that breaks rules almost continuously.

Funny FALKLAND ISLANDER version of the Argentine Olympic Advert.
It should be noted that no buses where caught in the making of this video
expatinowncountry said:
And so they were Bush and Thatcher... in the sense the OP was referring...

To say that someone who stole something is a thief, you don't have to first make it clear that, "there are other thieves in the world and this person is not the only one" everytime you call that person a thief. Just because there have been horrible politicians in the past doesn't mean everytime you criticize CFK you have to provide names of other politicians from around the world to balance out your statement. I find this practice, rather, this need to say "yeah but there were others just as bad or worse" rather childish.
westofwall said:
--Some of you may be familiar with Goodwin's Law, which states that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."'s_law

--Something similar always seems to happen on these boards, wherein any discussion of Argentine politics (and many other topics) quickly devolves into a "Bush was an idiot then and/or Obama is an idiot now" would be nice if people could either give that tired subject a rest or start another thread on the board to vent.

Yes, I know it will never happen, but I can dream, can't I??

p.s., Cristina's "Wag the Dog" strategy seems to working for her in the short term, though I imagine we'll be seeing her escape the Casa Rosada via helicopter before her term ends. I've got my popcorn ready...

I was not familiar with this "law" but it seems like Mike Godwin has a lot of time on his hands to be formulating laws about these things.

I personally wouldn't START a discussion by comparing a leader to Hitler. BUT, if someone does it, I don't think that's particularly awful or a deadly sin or anything. No matter how much you hate Hitler, or think he was the worst human being in the world or whatever (believe me, I can't stand the a--hole after 70 years of him being dead) but you can't ignore the fact that he was a pretty smart politician in the sense that he knew how to get support for his ideas from his people. Don't forget that he won the elections picking up some 33% of the votes. And it wasn't much long after that the his countrymen let him basically do whatever he wanted.

So, keeping that in mind, if a person draws comparisons between Hitler and ABC, I don't think that is particularly awful. Some of the comparisons are valid, provided they have valid points and not just hateful craziness (and to make expatinowncountry's day, I don't just mean CFK-Hitler comparisons, you can have your Bush-Thatcher-Blair-Hitler comparisons too and they would be valid if you had valid points).

Okay, I promise to stop talking about this issue and my next post will be about the OP. :D
Raymond said:
Have to say that I spoke to some British people today and they are all livid about the controversial video made for the Olympics by Argentina .
Its obvious that Christina Kirchner gave the go ahead for this .

The video is stupid, arrogant and misleading for people who know better. BUT for those who don't you'd think no one lives on the godforsaken islands if you just watched that video and the only thing "English/British" there on the islands is the goddamn phonebooth.

So hey, why do the stupid Brits care about the rights of an English phonebooth? They should let the poor Argentines have the islands since they at least exercise on the "concrete" that means nothing to anyone.

Yeah, pretty smart video for the ignorant masses to listen to Evita-reborn's cries for "justice".
nicoenarg said:
To say that someone who stole something is a thief, you don't have to first make it clear that, "there are other thieves in the world and this person is not the only one" everytime you call that person a thief. Just because there have been horrible politicians in the past doesn't mean everytime you criticize CFK you have to provide names of other politicians from around the world to balance out your statement. I find this practice, rather, this need to say "yeah but there were others just as bad or worse" rather childish.

Please do not trivialize the argument. It was more than a critique. It was a comparison to A D O L F H I T L E R... what it seems way too much given the context and reality we are discussing here and offensive for the people who are hosting us.
Stop making fun of yourself just to avoid recognizing that the comparison was uncalled for, unfair and disrespectful. I find the practice of trying to save face at all price rather childish... and if you have lived in Dubai you know what I mean.
Again, I do not like CFK, I found the Falkland ad disrespectful of the Olympic spirit but please do not compare the president of this country with Hitler.
expatinowncountry said:
Please do not trivialize the argument. It was more than a critique. It was a comparison to A D O L F H I T L E R... what it seems way too much given the context and reality we are discussing here and offensive for the people who are hosting us.
Stop making fun of yourself just to avoid recognizing that the comparison was uncalled for, unfair and disrespectful. I find the practice of trying to save face at all price rather childish... and if you have lived in Dubai you know what I mean.
Again, I do not like CFK, I found the Falkland ad disrespectful of the Olympic spirit but please do not compare the president of this country with Hitler.

Oh I am certainly not trivializing the argument. You probably didn't read my reply to westofwall because you were replying to my post, but like I said there, comparing a leader to Hitler is NOT the worst thing in the world. Hitler was not unique in what he did, he was just ONE of the most successful in carrying out his murderous wishes. Did he start that way? Of course not, he won by 33% of the vote. So when DirtBoy (was it?) said this is a lot like Hitler, I know what he's talking about. Does he mean that CFK is getting ready to mass murder the Jews of Argentina or homosexuals or freemasons? Well, I hope that's not what he meant because thinking that would be royally moronic.

As for "making fun of yourself" and "save face at all price", yeah I don't know what you're talking about. I know what it means, I just don't know where you got the idea that I was doing either of those.

To the rest: Yeah I promised I wasn't going to talk about this but hey, it keeps coming up.
nicoenarg said:
Oh I am certainly not trivializing the argument. You probably didn't read my reply to westofwall because you were replying to my post, but like I said there, comparing a leader to Hitler is NOT the worst thing in the world. Hitler was not unique in what he did, he was just ONE of the most successful in carrying out his murderous wishes. Did he start that way? Of course not, he won by 33% of the vote. So when DirtBoy (was it?) said this is a lot like Hitler, I know what he's talking about. Does he mean that CFK is getting ready to mass murder the Jews of Argentina or homosexuals or freemasons? Well, I hope that's not what he meant because thinking that would be royally moronic.

As for "making fun of yourself" and "save face at all price", yeah I don't know what you're talking about. I know what it means, I just don't know where you got the idea that I was doing either of those.

To the rest: Yeah I promised I wasn't going to talk about this but hey, it keeps coming up.

There is a connotation of comparing someone to Hitler. If you cannot see that, I think this change of ideas is hopeless. The OP did not choose to compare CFK to Roosvelt, Bush, Blair, or the clever politician of your choice... he went for Hitler. Of course, he was nice and considerate enough to not include Mussolini and Stalin in the comparison... he could have done it... CFK nationalized YPF like the Soviets did.