Covid 19 is undoubtedly the best reason ever to have an Argentine bank account with a debit and credit card, especially useful for paying bills on line (which means no contact with others. something that always happens when paying bills in person).
With you up to a point. Yes, but just stuffing enough cash into the account to keep it debit and bill pay useful. Not betting the farm on the bank always being accessible.
Please explain what you mean by "the banks (not) always being accesessible."
Do you think the banking system in Argentina is in any real danger of collapsing with the banks closing their doors and also shutting down their online operations? If so, using an expression I am sure you are familiar with, please back it up.
I´ve never thought of transfering funds from a bank in one country to a bank in another, in order to maintain my lifestyle (with as little time and effort as possible spent doing so) as "stuffing enough cash into the account to keep it debit and bill pay useful," as that´s not what I´m doing.
If the banks in Argentina ever become inaccesible, we can only hope that Western Union/Rapipago are still operational, but, in spite of Perry´s fear that the banks here might close and not reopen, I don´t see why that would be likely to happen. I haven´t heard any rumors that any of them are insolvent.
If there are sudden, massive "runs" on deposited funds, the banks might limit cash withdrawals (including at ATM´s), but I seriously doubt they would stop accepting deposits or allowing me to pay the balancde due on my credit card (which I always use to pay
all of my monthly bills as well as buy nafta, groceries, supplies, and make purchases on Mercado Libre).
PS: Now that we know how to transfer funds from a US bank to an Argentine bank, I hope I never have to go to a WU agency to pick up (and handle) cash again, not to mention that I prefer to avoid being streets and businnesses filled with people who, through no fault or desire of their own, could infect me with a microbe that could kill me.