Then, flying to Everett Wa- the "epicenter" of doom. Nobody on the plane wearing a mask, no screening or thermometers at the airport. Its a small airport, probably 200 people coming and going at 7 on a weds night- and, of those, maybe a dozen wearing masks.
Driving across rural Washington, no burning piles of corpses, no big red "C"s painted on doors, no apparent plague prepping going on. Possibly a bit less traffic on the freeway- I think fewer people are driving the hour and a half from where I live, to Seatlle, and, today, I will go shopping in my local small town, and I expect to see 10% to 20% less casual browsers than usual.
But in general, my report from Washington State is that, sadly for all you Walking Dead fans, the zombie apocalypse has not hit yet.
Will keep you posted, as we spiral into the stage of bulldozing thousands of bodies into lime pits, which, no doubt, will come Next Week, just like the previews on TV show.