But it would be tough to find someone who can work full time as nanny and not be a student or have a social life of her own. The nanny would have to make some sacrifices and the OP would have to be open minded in hours of work for the nanny.
Let me paint you a picture:
It is picturesque late spring day. Not a cloud to be seen and the crowd of people in funny clothes are frolicking about, gaily partaking in bizarre ritual traditions. There are butterflies flittering between the flowers while song birds twiddle their approval. Yet there is a blemish on this snapshot of neo beltane revelry. Because there, in the corner of the image, seated at a table which has been long since abandoned by their more lively cohorts, a couple is crying. The couple begs and pleads with remaining member of the trio yet this one seems resolute.
"Please Naive Nancy!" the couple insists, "Think of everything you have ahead of you. Don't throw it all alway now! "
"Oh please yourselves, Boring Boomers, I know you're worried about me and my future and you are doing what you think is best for me,
"but why can't you recognize that Alluring Argentine IS what is right for me? Please?"
"But you just met him! He only did a one semester exchange! How could you possibly..-
"How could I possibly what? BB Mom. Just because you no longer have the spark which drives a man to reach out of his comfort zone and expose himself for that which he truly is, does not mean that I can continue to repress the one which resides in me"
At this point BB Dad tries to insert a little logic into NN's projections, "What do you plan to do for resources? Do you have any marketable skills?"
Of course, such a minor detail had already been considered by NN who declared, "Why, Alluring Argentine has told me that I won't have any trouble finding work and that in the mean time we can stay with his dear Madre Mimadera"
Eventually the BBs and NN head out to join the festivities where a few bootlegged PBRs takes the edge off an awkward encounter with AA.
Months go by...
Alluring Argentine has lost a but of his allure. Naive Nancy isn't sure where it came off but thinks it might have been when MM scrubbed just a bit too hard while showing her how cleaned the skid marks out of AA's tightie whities; or maybe it just got lost when AA was rummaging through drawers trying to find where MM had left the pack of Tulipan Control that she picked up at farmacity.
Regardless of how that allure left, NN realizes she's in a bit of a situation. She can't really speak the language, she can't legally work and while she had long dreamed of dancing tango through the Paris of South America, she's become resigned to jigging around potholes in AA's podunk pueblo. She needs to get out, she needs to do SOMETHING, she can't let the BBs be right!
Bam! That is when she finds it, a brief post on an anonymous message board, "Trade the child rearing aspects of your international relationship for the opportunity to actually help raise two well behaved expat kids, trade room and board with la suegra for a guesthouse in the Andes, trade 'la vieja me dejaba 100 pa'l almuerzo asi rompemos todo' for a modest weekly stipend."
Naive Nancy can't help it, she falls back in love. She tells Alluring Argentine that she's off to see Alluring Argentina and if he learns how to iron his shirts, he's more than welcome to come along for a visit.
With a skip in her step NN hops off the plane Bariloche where she is met by her new host, Exploitive Expat.
To be continued...