Looking at the VP debate last night it, and the 500.000+ audience "votes" as to who performed best, was apparent that Millei-Villaruel are the only ones with a message most people want to listen to. This trend is not slowing down and I have the impression that more people are jumping aboard in hope of a dramatic change as they see it gain momentum. I see it as a possibility they take it on the first round.
Villaruel (52% of audience votes) ultimately she said little of substance nor explained anything logically (other than the gradual step by step approach for removing the social plans they would implement), but she knew how to put on a show and could defend herself well against cheap shots from Rossi about being a baby-steaing friend of Videla et al. Show time.
Rossi (16% of audience votes) came across as a rambling old mobster of a career-politician without any actual beliefs or policies, typical of an old-school political movement in its death throws. Pathetic.
Petri (26% of audience votes) was comparatively smooth talking and generally had logical and well rounded arguments. Boring.
Randazzo and Del Caño (6% of audience votes between them) both actually had the most intelligent things to say and were the most interested in debating specific policies with arguments backed by specific examples grounded in reality. Why bother.