Criminal Record Check In Argentina


Oct 17, 2010
I have to get a document from the police in Argentina indicating that I have not been convicted of a crime in Argentina that I then need to provide to an association in the U.S. Does anyone know where I can start in obtaining a document like this?

The only instructions I have from the U.S. association is that it has to be on legal paper. Beyond that, they can't help me much on how to get it.

Any help appreciated.
You need to get your antecedentes penales. You can do it in a number of locations but you need an appt. You can make a turno online here:

You need to go with passport, the form filled out - you download that from the above site - and copies of the first page IIRC and you need to pay the fee in cash. (that I do remember b/c I had to run out to an ATM after I found out they didn't take credit cards).
I didn't need an appointment. I did fill out the form in advance, but just walked into the local municipal office in Tigre.

Be sure and tell the guy at the door that you are not Argentine (if you are not) because they moved me immediately to someone who helped me ahead of about 60 people in the line.
thank you so much. It looks like the what you get is a document or record that can be accessed online. The association in the U.S. is asking me to give them something on an official document. Do you either of you recall what you got back? Was it something that you can print that looks "official." thanks again!
I had to book an appointment at ReNaPer here in San Isidro, I think I had to wait 3-4 days for my appointment but this depends on the location.

They took my fingerprints and in 10-15 days they issued online a certificate, that I simply printed out at home.
You can give the link to your business associate, as well.
Yes, you can print it out or and it is official. It should be accepted by whatever you need it for or as SErafina said, they can also access the website themselves if you give them the code.
Ok, I misreported info on this - I was thinking of another process. What Serafina said is what I did. But, I paid about $100 pesos more to get mine immediately online which actually was 2 business days later.