Cristina to run for President!

This is what the Frente para La Victoria does in Congress. This project by Mariano Wes addresses the urgent matter of declaring the first Sunday in October "Parrilla day". Are they winding us up?
I hope this helps...

Iniciado: Diputados Expediente: 7251-D-2006
Publicado en: Trámite Parlamentario Nº 187 Fecha: 05/12/2006



Nº de Expediente 7251-D-2006
Trámite Parlamentario 187

El Senado y Cámara de Diputados,.. .
Artículo 1°.- Institúyase el primer Domingo de Octubre de cada
año como "Día Nacional de la Parrilla", a fin de promover el
reconocimiento permanente de nuestra tradición asadora.
Artículo 2°.- La fecha mencionada queda incorporada al calendario
de actos y conmemoraciones oficiales de la Nación.NOSCRIPT>
Artículo 3º.- El Poder Ejecutivo realizará la mas amplia difusión
de la celebración a través de los mecanismos de comunicación oficial.
Articulo 4°.- Invitase a las Provincias a adherir a la celebración
dando, en el ámbito de su jurisdicción la más amplia difusión a la
Articulo 5º.- Comuníquese al Poder Ejecutivo Nacional.

Señor presidente:
La iniciativa de instituir el primer Domingo del mes de Octubre de
cada año como "Día Nacional de la Parrilla", tiene por objeto otorgar
el reconocimiento permanente del símbolo por excelencia de nuestra
gastronomía, "la parrilla".
Nuestra tradición asadora debe ser protegida y promocionada a nivel
nacional como una forma de rescatar la cultura y las costumbres de
nuestro país.
La difusión de estos valores reafirma nuestra "identidad nacional".NOSCRIPT>
En este sentido debemos posicionar a la parrilla como experiencia de
placer y de alta gastronomía, que valorice los elementos
característicos del territorio nacional, respete la biodiversidad y la
naturaleza y exalte el origen y la tipicidad de productos de nuestro
país como la carne y el vino.
Son variadas las expresiones artísticas que hacen mención a este
acontecimiento tan relevante en nuestra cultura nacional. Atahualpa
Yupanqui en su "Coplas del payador perseguido", remarcando el carácter
social e integrador del asado, dice:
"Con permiso vía a dentrar
aunque no soy convidao,
pero en mi pago, un asao
no es de naides y es de todos.
Yo via cantar a mi modo
después que haiga churrasquiao" .
Por otra parte, Juana Manuela Gorriti confecciono hacia el año 1890,
un maravilloso recetario de cocina popular argentina; en el cual
describía un minucioso y detallado procedimiento para trozar,
condimentar y preparar el asado argentino. "El asado" puede significar un
punto de reunión, una celebración de la amistad, un homenaje al
invitado etc, convirtiéndose en un ámbito propicio para la transmisión
oral de diferentes temáticas de la cultura popular que ha sido
NOSCRIPT>transferida de generación en generación con particularidades propias de
cada región pero con un mismo significado.
La ceremonia del asado no distingue entre campo y ciudad; -guardando
en ambos- los mismos rasgos característicos que lo consagran como el
acontecimiento gastronómico por excelencia y ocasión del culto a la
De esta forma, la proclamación y celebración del "Día Nacional de
la Parrilla", se vislumbra como una forma de mantener vivo el "espíritu
del asado".
La camaradería y la concordia que se crean en el ritual del asado
son un ejemplo universal de serena convivencia social, un modelo de
fraternidad que desde Argentina debe posicionarse hacia el mundo entero
como un mensaje de paz y armonía.
Cabe mencionar que la elección del día propuesto no obedece a
ningún hecho o hito histórico que la justifique en particular, en tanto
y en cuanto todas las fechas son buenas cuando de proponer esta
celebración se trata. Es por ello, que a fin de promover con la
mencionada conmemoración este acontecimiento tan arraigado en nuestra
idiosincrasia como único en el mundo entero, es que solicito a los
Señores Diputados apoyen con su voto la aprobación del presente
Ernie, thank you for enlightening me. I have heard about my own porteno's relatives who lost money in the corallito and they are in their 80's and at that time their US money was tied up in a CD. They have not seen the money back close to what they lost so they either have a Bank of America account for their dollar now or go to Uruguay to lock it up there. I have heard more horror stories since then but did not know how that tied up with K.
Your "loosing it there for awhile" is understandable. The 80 yr old couple were so mad when it happened that the family still remembers the day that they thought their father was going to have a heart attack when he found out about he lost his life savings. They had to sell another property in the early 90's so they have some money to retire on. The family rarely speaks about it. And I thank you for explaining this to me.
People should not forget what happened, so history will not repeat itself. No?
Do you think some degree of the populace's complacency (with people saying "it could be worse"), short term memory, together with " this does not affect me directly" mentality could be a large factor on the possibility that Cristina gets elected as President and situate herself in Casa Rosada?
Thank you again for educating me.
Hello Grazie,
You have nothing to thank me for. We are just sharing personal experiences here!
I think people are starting to realise who the K's are. There was a poll on AM 1030 Del Plata rado station (host is Fernando Bravo) which closed at 15:00 hs today. The question was "Now that Cristina has confirmed that she will run for president, would you vote for her?. 1,206 listeners called in. 85 % of them answered "no". The poll was on for only one hour, a fact which I think is worthy of notice.
On the previous issue, the good thing is that, unlike previous crises, the one of 2001/2 affected everybody; and so deeply that we will not forget about it any time soon, since we are still enduring the hardships generated by it. While previous crises were deep (the 1989 hyper-inflation amongst them), in 2002 people were so short of cash, that they had to resort to barter. That's hard to forget.
Besides, Argentina is not a communist country. It never has been. This new foreign policy of friendship with the likes of president & dictator Chavez is not popular with the Argentinian middle class. It only generates further isolation and constitutes a major error of judgement on the president's part. Trust me, K will have to pay for it. He got the first bill in the BA mayoral election.
Again, I can go on all day, so please excuse me.
This is turning into an interesting debate.
I am a Brit and for the last couple of years having been living here with my Argentine lady, Adriana. A lot of the personal views I get from her and her family. Unfortunately I don't have any expat friends as we now live in Benavidez, so I talk to my Argentine neighbours and friends. Yesterday, as we were about to play football (not advisable when you reach the dizzy age of 50!) we were hanging around waiting for the ball to arrive and I announced to the lads that Cristina was now running for president (hence the initial post). This was met with such apathy by the lads ( all Argentines) that I was rather taken aback at first, until I realised that they were in a better position to postulate than I. The upshot being that they feel that even whether it is Him or Her, it will still be the same old s**t. with the state paying for her Gucci handbags and God knows how many hairdos per week/day.
Later, I asked Adriana what the K government were doing for the poor and infrastructure of this country. Well, quite a lot, she replied. That must be a good thing, I said. Yes but at our expense, she said.
She has a point. In some villas miserias they get free healthcare, schooling and a whole bunch of other stuff, whereas the middle classes have to take out private medical insurance, send their kids to private schools and live in fortresses because of the dangers (perceived or otherwise) out there.
Not long ago I had the misfortune to visit a public hospital in Vicente Lopez, following a raucous party and an incident involving broken glass (another story) which required stitches in my foot (don't ask!). Anyway, although the doctors were exemplary and very kind indeed, it was woefully understaffed, scruffy, dirty and very badly equipped.
So, my question is: why can't successive governments put funds into the public sector such as health and education and local civil protection like the fire service, which appears to be run on a voluntary basis and paid for by donations.
I think I know where the money goes and also the answers to some of these questions, but I'm damned if I know the rationale behind all this.
By the way, I took the stiches out myself as there wasn't a doctor available......
Who were not affected for example by the 1989 crisis?
Accepting Chavez blood money was a stupid move to begin with but D´Elia forced Argentina to distance them

I gather from what you are saying that Kirchner´s economic policy is just wrong because it affects your own personal pocket. Did you ever wonder why we ended up the way we did in 2001? Did you ask yourself, the cost of sustaining the same policy during thirteen years? Did you ever ask yourself how argentine maintained the 1:1 exchange rate?

I know you are probably unhappy, but the cars and appliances on the street are hardly "fancy". For examples, take a look at how many new cabs are on the street. I would like to know what interest rate -I would suppose most likely in us dollars- you paid during the 90s?

With regards to the 1970´s, there is no justification -legal o moral- to what the military did during that decade.

With regards to Cristina and how people see her , please see the following statistics:


Salaries are pretty stagnant, especially professional salaries. This is not true. purchase power of most Argentines has increased and is one of the reasons for inflation.

Housing has increased dramatically – both rents and purchase prices. Supply and demand. More money in argentines´pockets, same amount of goods supplied.

Mortgages are almost non-existent or limited where they exist. And the government is responsible for non-existent mortgages? Since when.

The agricultural and tourist sectors are doing well but most people are having a hard time managing with inflation soaring. Soaring? I can give you numerous examples of company on their death bed who were able to recover thanks to the company

The Kirchners are supported by a lot of poor people who are dependent on government handouts but handouts are not the long term solution to Argentina’s problems. Please see the link I pasted above. The economy is growing. That is a fact. On the other hand, the fact that they are poor makes their vote les valuable?

At some point the government must start to attract serious foreign investment. Education must be improved; people need to be trained to work in areas like info technology and fields that are being largely ignored in a globalized world. Yes, things are better than they were at the peak of the crisis however it would have been hard not to get better, especially with world commodity prices high.

Argentina´s economy is not prepared to specialize in technology. And to be honest given that it is way behind, how could it?

If inflation continues as is (a harbinger of hyper-inflation?) Cristina Kirchner will have a serious political problem before her term comes to an end.That´s what they said about kirchner when he was elected. By the way I am not peronist.

Bigbadwolf, I do not know anything about economy, what are the structural weaknesses?

With regards to the corralito, does anybody know that it a Bank wanted to pay in full what it owed its customers, it could of. Why didn´t the foreign banks honor their contracts and pay in full what they owed the customers?

Earnie, I really don´t think you represent the Argentine middle class. I kindly suggest that you give your own personal opinion without speaking out for anybody else. And even though I am not a peronist, the city of buenos aires, has historically been an antiperonist district. Also, what would of happened if there was only one moderate left wing candidate, as was the case of the right (Macri)? He would have lost.
Hello TatanBsas,
About the 90's. While the 1:1 exchange rate may have been unrealistic at the time, it is also true that most of the reasons that caused the crack had nothing to do with it. In my opinion, it was caused by the unexcusable incompetence and corruption of ministers, judges and legislators. During the first four years of his administration, Menem succeeded in stooping hyper-inflation and even turning it into deflation. At the time he was elected, a Peugeot 505 had a price tag of USD 42,000 at the exchange rate valid in 1989. The 505 was manufactured with a technology that was 15 years old in France. Hard to believe? Take a look at our locally manufactured cars of the entire 80's decade and compare them to European or American cars. You'll see what I mean.
Had Menem not set the exchange rate at 1:1 it would have been impossible to acquire the techonlogy necessary to equip Argentina's heavy industry of today. Or any other local industry. As an example, take a look at the earth moving or agricultural machinery. Ask around.
My mortgage paid a 1,5 % p.a. interest in USD. Why did I agree to it? There was a law that specifically dictated that the peso was worth one dollar. Menem did not change that, De La Rúa did. I paid a monthly installment of USD 1,970, while earning USD 5,650. Piece of cake. And I only had a middle management job.
I am sorry, but you must be confused, I did not say the street was full of fancy cars. I said "While there may be fancy cars on the streets, just try buying one on a current Argentina salary". You are quoting me on something I didn't say. And I am not unhappy, just utterly unimpressed, when I see that this mess is the best solution the government can come up with.
About the 1970's: Once again, you are quoting me on something I did not say. I wrote "We have to put up with the military going to trial for crimes committed during the 1970's". I called them "crimes" and therefore I did not imply that I agree with what they did. My point is that we have failed to impart justice for all in equal terms, to the extent of rewarding some criminals with a job in the government.
If you want proper information, kindly refrain from quoting "Clarín" newspaper. I won't bother reading it. They own the biggest newspaper in the country, several radio stations, a TV network and so on, which is illegal according to our Constitution. And they do so thanks to whom? Hard to believe? Just take a random historical fact and check their news coverage at the time. You'll see what I mean in no time at all.
I love a good debate!
Cheers mate!
Tatan, It seems that we live in different Argentinas. I don't have friends in the agricultural or tourist sectors. Most of the people I know are middle to upper middle level professionals. I can't think of one who is doing better than he/she was before the devaluation. A pre-devaluation salary of $3,000 to $5,000, as an example, has simply not risen to the level of inflation. For sure these salaries are not worth their pre develuation equivalents in dollars. Housing prices are easily 50% more than they were before the devaluation. Food is probably 2-3 times more, despite what the government says. How on earth you think that people are better off is beyond me.