Cristina to run for President!

While peoples wages are lower in dollars than in the heady days of 1.1 peoples unofficial earnings in dollars are higher than they have been in many decades. Unofficial earnings come from shares, rental properties , investments in businesses that target tourism.
People in Capital Federal have greatly benefited from tourism and it shows . I suggest that you look at Home renovation stores on the weekends, they are literally 10 deep in each cash register and the amount of renovation of buildings and construction is unparalled in many a decade.
There are literally 10s of thousands of apartments being rented to tourists at very high rates in dollars . apartments 5 years ago that were not making a cent to their owners . In Palermo and Recoleta rents are at a record level and the owners are reaping the rewards.
Saying this I do not beleive that the boom has made everyones life better but a lot are benefitting.
Hello TatanBsAs,
You wrote "Earnie, I really don´t think you represent the Argentine middle class. I kindly suggest that you give your own personal opinion without speaking out for anybody else. And even though I am not a peronist, the city of buenos aires, has historically been an antiperonist district. Also, what would of happened if there was only one moderate left wing candidate, as was the case of the right (Macri)? He would have lost"
As you posted this at the end of your reply to Sergio, I failed to see it. I wonder, if not the middle class, which group would you put me in?
And I beg to differ, you can't really call Mr. Telerman a extreme left-winger. He is a moderate center-left-wing man who didn't get elected on account of his evident incometence.
Macri won every single barrio from Retiro to Puerto Madero, from Palermo to Villa Lugano
Ernie, now that "incompetent" Telerman HAS LOST and as clearly stated "winning every single barrio from Retiro to Puerto Madero, from Palermo to Villa Lugano " means Macri got the mandate of the BsAs City people to govern them in the next few years - how does Telerman's loss and Macri's gain directly affects Cristina's changes? Is a sign of what lies ahead for Cristina/ K? Is this the winter of discontent that is why the votes were swinging this way?
Yes, Pericles, there are some people who have managed to buy investment properties and who are getting some rent in dollars but they are a small minority of the 13 million people who live in this metropolis. I know very well off people who own investment property but most professional and middle class people live on their salaries which have not improved very much in peso terms and are a fraction of what they used to be in dollar terms.
Hello again Grazie,
It seems rather obvious to me that Macri's win in the last elections has affected both the K's. While N.K. a few months ago expressly stated that he would announce who would be candidate in late July, Mauricio was all over the news for an entire week, and Néstor thought it was time for people and the media to start talking about him and his wife again, so he had his minister/puppet Fernández go ahead and make the announcement ahead of time. The official launch will have to wait until July 19th. After that, we will see Cristina start travelling all over the world on public funds again. Nice one.
One minor detail which observers may have noticed: while our Constitution clearly states that parties must hold primary elections to determine who will be running for office, the K's had a bedrrom chat about it and made the choice for us all. Nice one.
Unfortunately, since the opposition couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery right now, I don't think they will stand a chance in October.
Just my humble opinion.
"Grazie" said:
Ernie, now that "incompetent" Telerman HAS LOST and as clearly stated "winning every single barrio from Retiro to Puerto Madero, from Palermo to Villa Lugano " means Macri got the mandate of the BsAs City people to govern them in the next few years - how does Telerman's loss and Macri's gain directly affects Cristina's changes? Is a sign of what lies ahead for Cristina/ K? Is this the winter of discontent that is why the votes were swinging this way?
I am hoping for some serious strikes, fuel shortages, riots and stuff like that.
As long as Kristina does not win the elections

"Ernie" said:
Hello again Grazie,
It seems rather obvious to me that Macri's win in the last elections has affected both the K's. While N.K. a few months ago expressly stated that he would announce who would be candidate in late July, Mauricio was all over the news for an entire week, and Néstor thought it was time for people and the media to start talking about him and his wife again, so he had his minister/puppet Fernández go ahead and make the announcement ahead of time. The official launch will have to wait until July 19th. After that, we will see Cristina start travelling all over the world on public funds again. Nice one.
One minor detail which observers may have noticed: while our Constitution clearly states that parties must hold primary elections to determine who will be running for office, the K's had a bedrrom chat about it and made the choice for us all. Nice one.
Unfortunately, since the opposition couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery right now, I don't think they will stand a chance in October.
Just my humble opinion.
Can you give me the link to that part of the costitution? Seems like interesting to me and does it apply to all political parties?
Please look up "ley No. 9.659". According to current legislation, all parties should hold open primaries to elect their presidential candidates.