Crongresswoman Shot: AZ

Yeah, this is just the beginning. America is filled with double digit IQ, neanderthal, crazed right wing Russ Limbaugh worshipers that don't understand sh*t.... they listen to all the Fox News propaganda and don't EVER think for themselves (not that they ever could or did). The latest news is the Congress Woman is going to make it, survive her head shot - it's looking optimistic considering it WAS a head shot. On the other hand a 9 year old child has already died from the shooting - such a perfect right wing nut situation. Protect a fetus with right wing Anti-Abortion ravings and protests but stop caring when that fetus becomes a human being and grows into a small child. Then you're on your own and even a target with no protection and no right winger giving a sh*t. America is doomed - it has a few VERY short years left. Dudester
Dudester said:
Yeah, this is just the beginning. America is filled with double digit IQ, neanderthal, crazed right wing Russ Limbaugh worshipers that don't understand sh*t.... they listen to all the Fox News propaganda and don't EVER think for themselves (not that they ever could or did). The latest news is the Congress Woman is going to make it, survive her head shot - it's looking optimistic considering it WAS a head shot. On the other hand a 9 year old child has already died from the shooting - such a perfect right wing nut situation. Protect a fetus with right wing Anti-Abortion ravings and protests but stop caring when that fetus becomes a human being and grows into a small child. Then you're on your own and even a target with no protection and no right winger giving a sh*t. America is doomed - it has a few VERY short years left. Dudester

At this point how can you even suggest that the shooter worshiped Rush Limbaugh?

Perhaps he was a big fan of Oliver Stone (who has inspired mass murderers).
steveinbsas said:
At this point how can you even suggest that the shooter worshiped Rush Limbaugh?

Because followers of sick nut jobs do sick nut job things. GET IT?!?!

steveinbsas said:
Perhaps he was a big fan of Oliver Stone (who has inspired mass murderers).

How did he do that? With "NATURAL BORN KILLER'S"? Anybody with a brain KNEW that film was all about the EXCESSIVE crazy violence going on in the US and how the American media glorified it all. If stupid idiots with IQ levels lower than their shoe size missed the point of the film that sure doesn't make it Stone's fault.

BTW, Does all this simple logic confuse you little buddy?
From the NYT article:
Mr. Loughner had exhibited increasingly strange behavior in recent months, including ominous Internet postings — at least one showing a gun — and a series of videos in which he made disjointed statements on topics like the gold standard and mind control.

Yep, we know what cable TV station he watches.
Just a short note to my little buddy Steve (in Buenos Aires) above. Buenos Dias mi amigo. Just wanted to update you on some new stuff - a FYI kinda thing. The Arizona shooter's voter registration form has surfaced. Guess what party he's with..... Did he sign up as a Democrat or Independent? Nope - (buzz) Wrong Answer..... I'll cut to the chase - tick tock tick tock.... wait for it, HERE WE GO !!! REPUBLICAN da da !!! - why doesn't that surprise me? Enjoy those hot summer days in BsAs little buddy, over and out for now. Dudester (keeping Steve informed with reality and facts)
Okay - I admit I am not a great admirer of the Republican Party, but this has to do with family, friends, neighbors, teachers, people reading websites on the internet not reporting someone who is showing signs that he is seriously deranged and has a great potential for violence.

It reminds me of being in a store and a mother starts scolding and slapping her child' and everyone ignores what is happening.
Dudester said:
Just a short note to my little buddy Steve (in Buenos Aires) above. Buenos Dias mi amigo. Just wanted to update you on some new stuff - a FYI kinda thing. The Arizona shooter's voter registration form has surfaced. Guess what party he's with..... Did he sign up as a Democrat or Independent? Nope - (buzz) Wrong Answer..... I'll cut to the chase - tick tock tick tock.... wait for it, HERE WE GO !!! REPUBLICAN da da !!! - why doesn't that surprise me? Enjoy those hot summer days in BsAs little buddy, over and out for now. Dudester (keeping Steve informed with reality and facts)

Hey Douche!

Woopie f%in dooo...his voter registration was Republican.

ALL the evidence and FACTS, you know, the things you IGNORE on a regular basis, have shown he was infatuated with the Representative BEFORE the Team Party. BEFORE Sarah Palin. And BEFORE the liberal pricks like you started spewing hate.

CLEARLY the person is unstable but it has NOTHING to do with your favorite talking point, Palin and the Tea Party...AS THE FACTS CONTINUE TO SHOW.

You are pathetic and have shown what an ignorant douche you are.
dutara said:
From the NYT article:
Mr. Loughner had exhibited increasingly strange behavior in recent months, including ominous Internet postings — at least one showing a gun — and a series of videos in which he made disjointed statements on topics like the gold standard and mind control.

Yep, we know what cable TV station he watches.


Nice try though...

Sad fact of the matter is politicians are politizing this tradgic event for their own self serving interests. When Hillary Clinton says this event was motivated by political reasons, I have to ask: how does she know?? Did she authorize the brain washing of this individual?? Did she have a little pow-wow after the shooting??? What also is bothersome is how politicians are starting to tell us to "tone down the rhetoric"... what rhetoric?? Ohhh they mean criticism of a piss poor job and the meltdown of our country?? They are so lucky to just be facing "rhetoric". Over two hundred years ago, we use to tar and feather that kind of walking garbage. Who are they to try and control our opinions of what governement should and shouldn't be responsible for? Never mind the illusion of a bi-partisian governement, no such thing exists. The only thing our fine establishment is doing is "divide and conquer". Anyone realize how upset they are at the other "party"?? ... democrats... republicans... tools!! What those people faced was a demented individual and nothing else... Should we limit our freedoms because of one person?? Should we stop trying to change (I mean really change, not the kind you get in a package) our governements actions to eventually take our Constitutional rights? We are in a foreign country, but that doesn't mean we stop being Americans... not democrats, nor republicans, but Americans. Only one kind. Much love.