Crongresswoman Shot: AZ

jaredwb said:
Wow, Choripan, once again you have shown yourself to be an intellectually challenged, small, angry liberal that is watching your welfare state dreams drift away because us "chickenshits" are taking back our Country.

And your bed buddies, Krugman, MSNBC, NYT, aren't advocating for gun "control", they are advocating for banning guns. You know, "If the people don't have guns the Govt can do as it wants" mentality.

Newsflash...ain't (you like that redneck talk) gonna happen...never give up.

Attaching this crazy man's actions to anything other this his own mental issues is ridiculous and everyone knows it (except you apparently).

And the ONLY people using this tragedy as political theater is the Lib's.

Grow the fuck up and stop being a poor loser.

You know, Jared, usually when you want to augment an argument by calling names you have to actually make an argument in the first place. Otherwise you're just calling names and no one will pay any attention to you.

For example, when I called you and your kind "chickenshits" I went on to argue that you only apologize for the violent right because you enjoy the electoral gains that the violent rhetoric produces in a tough economy. That is, you are a chickenshit for selling out America in order to satisfy your own lust for power. I also gave an example of how even a crazy dude can vibe off the current political atmosphere and, on the margins, will change his behavior as a result. In fact, I think most people would agree that crazy dudes are the most likely members of our society to take violent rhetoric and put it into practice. Sane people tend not to shoot up supermarkets.

This process of reason-giving is called making an argument, and it can often be made more enjoyable by adding a few closing insults, like icing the cake. If you want to call me stupid and small minded, be my guest; I happen to like eating cakes that have been well-iced. But at least try to explain where my reasoning is faulty first - that is, slice the cake and then ice it. This process is called making a counter-argument. Without a counter-argument you simply come across as silly and ineffectual, like a little kid who wants to eat frosting all day.

Sorry for the pedantry, but I think you need it. The upshot is that given your seriously anemic response, my points still stand: right wing rhetoric IS at least indirectly responsible for what happened, and right wing America IS composed of nothing other than violent chickenshits.

If you disagree, let me know. Because by not responding substantively you have passively conceded the argument.

Best, Choripan
Choripán said:
Sorry for the pedantry, but I think you need it. The upshot is that given your seriously anemic response, my points still stand: right wing rhetoric IS at least indirectly responsible for what happened, and right wing America IS composed of nothing other than violent chickenshits.

It's interesting to pursue this line of reasoning further. As I see it, Limbaugh et al are peddling nothing other than inchoate rage and frustration. They're not peddling a coherent worldview on which constructive action can take place. Which makes sense, since under their faux populist appeal they're nothing but whores for the status quo. Their job is to take the confusion, ignorance, and anger of the lower classes at job losses, savage budget cutbacks, declining standards of living, and channel these feelings into utterly futile directions. From time to time the general cultural milieu they contribute to sends some deranged and frustrated loony over the edge.

The interesting thing is that if you want to do something constructive in the USA, there are literally no channels to do it through. The political process is bankrupt. The liberals and Democrats are a waste of time and offer no alternative. The country's going to hell in a handbasket. I think Pat Buchanan mentioned a while back that the country's lucky no-one like Adolf Hitler has arisen yet; all we have are worthless sh!ts like Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin. And a spineless invertebrate like Obama. This provides the soil in which senseless acts of violence find their nourishment.
what worries me about palin though is her seemingly keen desire to polarise. She had 3-4 days to think about her reaction to the AZ situation and then came out and gave what even some on the right consider to have been an inflammatory interview. I worry that she sees herself already as the spoiling presence in any coming election...she's hardening her core, doesn't seem to care about widening her appeal to the flabby middle 30% that would get her a shot at the white house.
Choripán said:
I love all the conservative chickenshits on this site, jumping at the chance to play apologist for the violent right while brow-beating progressive leftists for advocating gun control. Not even the murder of a nine year-old girl is enough to get you to rethink the wisdom of your extremist political rhetoric.

You think you had nothing to do with this? You had everything to do with this. Sure, the shooter was crazy, but your violent rhetoric makes him feel a little less crazy, and a little more bold. No doubt he's thinking while riding in that taxi to Safeway, "Well, those Tea Partiers show up to rallies with weapons, so why can't I? It must be completely normal to arm yourself as a way of expressing strong belief." So when you're trying to get to sleep tonight think of your role as a kind of involuntary manslaughter: no direct malice aforethought - you haven't pulled any triggers yet - but plenty of willful negligence creating deadly situations.

The only reason you fucking loser apologists for gun violence are now trying to dodge responsibility for the obvious is because the radicalization of your base has produced positive electoral results for your party. That's right: you're selling out America so that you can regain national power. Violent rhetoric attracts frustrated voters in a tough economy, and you like that, even if it kills innocent kids. It also produces a violent society, which sadly is where we are today.

this kind of hate mongering and infighting is exactly what the globalists want. they love it when we waste years of our lives arguing between left vs. right, when in reality, it's all the same false paradigm. both sides are funded equally by goldman sachs et al.

i've made posts where i show that the same insiders serve time and time again across different administrations, both left AND right.

the beauty is that it's all hidden in plain view, right under our noses, yet very few can recognize it. it is for this reason why we never see our true, common enemy - i.e. the banksters and the global elite who have already destroyed the US economy.

it is against this common foe that we should be concentrating our energies, not yelling at each other in pointless mud slinging.
jaredwb said:
Hey Douche!

Woopie f%in dooo...his voter registration was Republican.

ALL the evidence and FACTS, you know, the things you IGNORE on a regular basis, have shown he was infatuated with the Representative BEFORE the Team Party. BEFORE Sarah Palin. And BEFORE the liberal pricks like you started spewing hate.

CLEARLY the person is unstable but it has NOTHING to do with your favorite talking point, Palin and the Tea Party...AS THE FACTS CONTINUE TO SHOW.

You are pathetic and have shown what an ignorant douche you are.

Oh man, my dearest Jaredwb, You get SO fired up that I gotta say that it's just pure entertainment. You are such a pissed off guy that my computer actually starts to sweat and tremble when one of your posts comes on - it's just SO over the top, amazingly over the top - makes for great amusement !!!

Now I gotta tell you that the one thing I don't buy into at all are these on going comments by you that you (and/or your family) are massively wealthy (I don't know what you consider wealthy. I get the feeling that you falsely think something like $100,000.00 per year is great wealth. I hate to break the news mi amigo but multiply that number by about at least 50 (per year) if you wanna talk about wealth - 5 million per year rock bottom).

You're snap-of-a-finger, out-of-control crazy anger tells me there can't be great wealth because you wouldn't waste your time on ranting and raving on blogs, you'd care less since you'd be above all the usual problems of the middle/upper Middle class having to do with money. Tell you one thing, if I was super wealthy I'd be off on a 60 ft. Jeanneau sailing around the world with my camera and a few close friends (of course the Girl Friend would be on board too), not ranting on a blog.

Whatever the case, keep up the super hot head stuff cause it makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it and I LOVE to laugh. This is no joke, you are a real piece of work, one of a kind (how's your B/P BTW,? I'm sure it's high as the sky so please keep an eye on it.

Keep on Ranting, Dudester (AKA - "Pathetic and Ignorant Douche !!!" - LMAO as usual !!!! I sh*t you not my boy. Douche thing ain't too bad - much better than being an Enema - lol)
Dudester said:
You're snap-of-a-finger, out-of-control crazy anger tells me there can't be great wealth because you wouldn't waste your time on ranting and raving on blogs, you'd care less since you'd be above all the usual problems of the middle/upper Middle class having to do with money.

That is a telling point. The truly rich own the political system, call the shots, and as such are master of their destiny: not much frustration and anger there. The frustation, anger, and hysteria -- all born of political impotence -- are among the lower orders, regardless of political orientation. Many of these are being led astray by pied pipers like Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin, who really have got nothing to say, no ideology to offer. Just building up incoherent fury and rage.
bigbadwolf said:
That is a telling point. The truly rich own the political system, call the shots, and as such are master of their destiny: not much frustration and anger there. The frustation, anger, and hysteria -- all born of political impotence -- are among the lower orders, regardless of political orientation. Many of these are being led astray by pied pipers like Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin, who really have got nothing to say, no ideology to offer. Just building up incoherent fury and rage.

sure but let's be correct and fair in saying that BOTH the left AND the right include those who are birthed in the same "political impotence". it is not correct to lay blame to only one side - again that would be playing right into the false left/right paradigm.

and that doesn't only include the lower orders. i know plenty of so called establishment yuppies who are just as lost and brainwashed as joe six pack watching the steelers game. the left has more than their fair share of false prophets. one of them lives in the white house.

neither side has anything to say. both sides are corrupt and work for the globalists. both sides are incompetent and have/will lead us astray. the current administration is perhaps the worst yet. the next will most likely be even worse.

and on and on it goes.
Dudester said:
Oh man, my dearest Jaredwb, You get SO fired up that I gotta say that it's just pure entertainment. You are such a pissed off guy that my computer actually starts to sweat and tremble when one of your posts comes on - it's just SO over the top, amazingly over the top - makes for great amusement !!!

Now I gotta tell you that the one thing I don't buy into at all are these on going comments by you that you (and/or your family) are massively wealthy (I don't know what you consider wealthy. I get the feeling that you falsely think something like $100,000.00 per year is great wealth. I hate to break the news mi amigo but multiply that number by about at least 50 (per year) if you wanna talk about wealth - 5 million per year rock bottom).

You're snap-of-a-finger, out-of-control crazy anger tells me there can't be great wealth because you wouldn't waste your time on ranting and raving on blogs, you'd care less since you'd be above all the usual problems of the middle/upper Middle class having to do with money. Tell you one thing, if I was super wealthy I'd be off on a 60 ft. Jeanneau sailing around the world with my camera and a few close friends (of course the Girl Friend would be on board too), not ranting on a blog.

Whatever the case, keep up the super hot head stuff cause it makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it and I LOVE to laugh. This is no joke, you are a real piece of work, one of a kind (how's your B/P BTW,? I'm sure it's high as the sky so please keep an eye on it.

Keep on Ranting, Dudester (AKA - "Pathetic and Ignorant Douche !!!" - LMAO as usual !!!! I sh*t you not my boy. Douche thing ain't too bad - much better than being an Enema - lol)

Hmmm...I never mentioned I was 'massively' wealthy. But glad I can continue to entertain :)
these recent statements by war criminal dick cheney could not be more poignant and relevant to my recent posts about the false left/right paradigm.

there is NO difference between the left and the right - they both serve one master and advance one agenda, taking turns to advance different aspects said agenda.

President Obama has “learned from experience” that some of the Bush administration’s decisions on terrorism issues were necessary, according to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

In his first interview since undergoing major heart surgery last July, Cheney said he thinks Obama has been forced to rethink some of his national security positions now that he sits in the Oval Office.

"I think he's learned that what we did was far more appropriate than he ever gave us credit for while he was a candidate. So I think he's learned from experience. And part of that experience was the Democrats having a terrible showing last election."


The left-leaning Glenn Greewald, who unlike virtually all other liberal bloggers has taken a consistent position on the war on terror (criticizing Obama on the same basis on which he excoriated the Bush administration), writes:

Obama has single-handedly eliminated virtually all mainstream debate over these War on Terror policies. At least during the Bush years, we had one party which steadfastly supported them but one party which claimed (albeit not very persuasively) to vehemently oppose them. At least there was a pretense of vigorous debate over their legality, morality, efficacy, and compatibility with our national values.

Those debates are no more. Even the hardest-core right-wing polemicists -- Gen. Hayden, the Heritage Foundation, Dick Cheney -- now praise Obama's actions in these areas. Opposition from national Democrats has faded away to almost complete nonexistence now that it's a Democratic President doing these things. What was once viewed as the signature of Bush/Cheney radicalism is now official, bipartisan Washington consensus: the policies equally of both parties and all Serious people. Thanks to Barack Obama, this architecture is firmly embedded in place and invulnerable to meaningful political challenge.