Culinary school


Sep 27, 2009
I was a pastry chef in the States, but am self/experience-taught. I plan on doing culinary school when I return home (whenever THAT is...), but have been looking into it here, too, since I'm already here. Thing is, I've been generally disappointed with the pastries here, although they're BEAUTIFUL, so I'm not sure if it's a great place to do school. On the other hand, it's the recipes and chefs, not the techniques, that make for dry pastries, and I could still learn the classic techniques here and still produce the deliciousness I want to with my choice of recipes and, of course, my hands :)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has done culinary school here, or taken any courses offered by any of the institutes. I've been in contact with a couple, but would love to hear some students' experiences.

My former roomate studies at Instituto Gastronomico Argentino, which happens to be one of the best, have you checked it out?
I have been in contact with Instituto Argentino Gastronomico, is that the same (IAG)? I think I've decided to not do full on culinary school, but I'm thinking of doing some of the courses (2-3 months) that they offer. I just need to go get pricing info, although their full program pricing doesn't seem too bad. Your friend likes it?