Current Cost Of Living

I'd go to Mendoza. Lived there between 2006 and 2008. You'll need a vehicle. I rode my motorcycle down from Mexico. It's much slower and quieter than Buenos Aires. I had a brand new one-bedroom apartment with loft and gated parking area for $750AR/mo. The exchange rate was 3:1. I would expect Mendoza to be between 50% and 75% of the cost of BsAs.

If you like to kick back and take day-long naps punctuated by week-long impulse travelling to really cool places you'll love the place. Hiking, rafting, skiing, etc, etc. Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile (aka the 1st World) is only 3 hours away.

The women are much less crazy, too. I remember this one gorgeous, dark-haired beauty with .... oh, crap! Gotta go! Here comes my wife!