Daily Url, Mar 12


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Wednesday, 11 March

Most Ridiculous Shopping Trip Ever?[micheleandtom.com]
There is a chain of English-language bookstores that we frequent here in Buenos Aires called KEL . (We normally only buy the Z’s books there since it’s really expensive and Tom and I...

The Downside to Being an Expat[Discover Buenos Aires]
While there are a lot of positive aspects to being an expat and living somewhere new and exciting, one of the downsides has to be the fact that so many of the people you meet are so transient.* Wheth...

Tuesday, 10 March

Walrus Books - English language bookshop[The Argentimes]
As soon as I entered Walrus Books I felt very much at home. This may be because my Dad is a voracious reader who has turned our dining room into a library! However, I’m certain that the worn rugs, uni...

Tough Stories to Report: Anti-Semitism in Argentina[As Belgrano Byrnes...]
Over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself reporting a lot on anti-Semitism, unfortunately. The ironic reality of this is that while Argentina is home to one of the world’s largest Jewish p...

Help the Poor or Learn From Them?[Upsidedownworld]
The ideology that emanates from the international finance organizations maintains that the poor suffer from a "lack" of resources, that poverty is a scourge to be combated, and that the best method of doing so is to "help" the poor. On the other hand, the priests that live among the poor believe that it is more important to learn from them.

Monday, 09 March

Photo Post[The Argentine Post]
One of the fun things about living here is seeing how people sometimes unintentionally misuse and abuse the English language.

A million of friends with a couch[travelling Buenos Aires]
The social network and Exchange of accommodation www.couchsurfing.com, created in 2004, is on the verge of reaching its first million of user. That means that shortly there will be a million ...

Opera: Buenos Aires Lirica 2009 Season[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The 2009 Season of the Opera Association Buenos Aires Lirica starts on March 27th with La Traviata, and continues throughout the year with great titles and outstanding productions: MARCH 27, 29, ...

Road Tripping Argentina: Salta and Beyond[Argentina's Travel Guide]
Salta to Cafayate Loop. For the third installment of great travel loops of Argentina we will be traveling to the northwest corner of the country. The trip begins in Salta, a land of folklore, gau...

Sunday, 08 March

Two years. How many men?[Sallycat's Adventures]
Imagine living in Buenos Aires for two years. What would it be like? Would it be affordable? Would it turn out the way you expected?
Maybe you live here already. Remember the first two years? ...

Expat Tech: Google Translate - Now Supports PDF and Office Docs[Discover Buenos Aires]
Google has just added a new feature: the ability to translate PDF files and Office documents from one language to another.

death by dulce de leche[Yillabean]
a whole grocery store shelf dedicated to dulce de leche

Stolen paintings go on display, or do they?[Tonytrainor]
It could even have inspired a more audacious heist last year in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, which is back in the headlines this week in a resourceful attempt to trace paintings worth US$4 million that were stolen by an armed gang dressed as cops. The gang struck on the morning of July 26 when 17 paintings by Antonio Berni ...

Argentina through the looking glass [BBC]
After a three-year stint as BBC South America correspondent, Daniel Schweimler reflects on his impressions of the country as he prepares to leave Buenos Aries.

Stability attracts Latin Americans to Mormonism[Vancouver Sun]
In Argentina and across traditionally Catholic Latin America, Latter-day Saints churches such as this one are multiplying, and the region boasts the largest Mormon membership outside the United States, at some 5.2 million people.
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