Daily Url, Nov 11


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Wednesday, 11 November

Buenos Aires hosts congress of hospital clowns[Mercopress]
Some 400 clowns and doctors skilled at clowning took part in an international conference to present scientific evidence to show why laughter was healthy ...

Back in Buenos Aires and final thoughts on Uruguay[La Vida Desconocida]
I arrived safely back in Capital F...

Tuesday, 10 November

Coffee in Buenos Aires[LandingPadBA]
If a coffee, black, to go, is what you’re looking for, keep looking. This is a place with a real coffee culture and they are in no hurry to change that. The term ‘coffee culture’ is used a lot here t...

riding the colectivo part 2: Don't Be a Bus Stop Boludo[My Buenos Aires Life]
Welcome back! Hopefully the Guia-T introduction was helpful and you found a bus that can take you where you want to go (without too much flipping fatigue!) Once you find the bus stop, the hard part’s ...

Digital cities[travelling Buenos Aires]
A company of digital mobile phones prepared recently a digital cities ranking. Among 150 cities of 15 Latin American countries, the outcomes were not surprising: the winner was Sao Paulo, the lar...

Incredibly Offensive, Amazing Trailer For Boogie![blogs.popzara.com]
Boogie, the first-ever 3D film from Argentina and a close spirtual relative of Sin City ... Guns, violence, babes, racist stereotypes, and awesome one-liners?

Monday, 09 November

New Drinking Law for Clubs[Art of Backpacking]
As of October 7th, 2009; bars and clubs in the Buenos Aires Province (not BA City) must stop serving alcohol at 4:30am ...

danielkarlin[Expat Argentina]
That link there shows you the top 300 or so cities in the world in descending order from most expensive. Buenos Aire...

‘Noche de Emergentes’ at El Gato Viejo[The Argentimes]
There is no shortage of ‘bohemia’ in Buenos Aires. Or rather, you cannot escape claims of ‘bohemian vibes’ as restaurant owners, landlords or entire neighbourhoods attempt to convince you of the authe...

A Belgian’s View of Patagonia[The Argentimes]
Patagonia has been a land of inspiration for many. Already in 1893, William Henry Hudson wrote Idle Days in Patagonia, a book that has been a reference for the Fundación Patagonica, a group of more tha...

Montevideo, Uruguay[La Vida Desconocida]
(Warning: I am on a crappy computer set to South America keyboard standards so I don´t promise perfection with this one.) Here I am in Uruguay´s capital city, Montevideo. This morning Sol and I cau...

Photo Essay: Buenos Aires Street Vendors[LandingPadBA]
Click to start the slideshow. (Wait for the page to finish loading first)

Cooking ‘Merican Style[micheleandtom.com]
When we have a yen for something American in Buenos Aires, here are some of our standbys: American Breakfast . First, go to a butcher or a deli and ask for panceta , it will cook up reason...

Sunday, 08 November

Ultimo Tren a Londres - Los Clasiqueros[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
Friday night I was at Niceto Club photographing the Tranqui Yanqui fashion show [photos to come]. One of the musical acts was Los Clasiqueros. They're a band that reworks popular interna...
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