Daily URL: Nov 13


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Sep 22, 2012
Wednesday, 12 November

Radiohead Coming To Argentina[The Argentine Post]
The brilliant British band Radiohead will be coming to Argentina for at least one show sometime in late March or early April, Rolling Stone confirmed Wednesday. Radiohead’...

In Buenos Aires, a Barbie playhouse big enough for fans[LA Times]
The Barbie store in Argentina is the only one of its kind, though not for long. Feminists may groan, but little girls still can't get enough of the impossibly proportioned doll.

Carrio requested corruption probe of Nestor Kirchner [International Herald Tribune]
Aides to Elisa Carrio entered a federal courthouse carrying boxes of documents she said would prove that Kirchner and two Cabinet ministers personally profited from government contracts, laundered money and evaded taxes.

Open Buenos Aires[Blog travelling Buenos Aires]
The readers of Out Traveler magazine chose Buenos Aires as the best international destination for gay travellers. The second place was for Barcelona while the third one was Amsterdam.

Argentina debt default not imminent - Moody's[Reuters]
We don't think a default is imminent because the government has enough financial assets to pay its debt, although this depends too on political decisions ...

Fiscal Crisis Gives Argentines Familiar Sinking Feeling[NY Times]
Signs of the global financial meltdown are not always obvious in a country conditioned by past economic traumas to live for the moment. But even here in Palermo, where tourists and

Tuesday, 11 November

Tango in the New York Times[La Nuit Blanche]

Writers Talk Literature at FILBA Festival[Argentina's Travel Guide]
In a post-Borges era, Malba has created a festival to demonstrate how writers from around the world still love Buenos Aires.* They describe the event as “uniting the public with emergent ...

TSA Goes Green Opens Family Lanes[Expat Argentina]
The U.S. is finally catching on! Argentina has special lanes at airports (and banks, grocery stores, government offices etc) for families. Well finally the U.S. seems to be catching onto the idea, ev...

The Little Things I Love about Buenos Aires[The Flyvemaskine Diaries]
There are many big things that I love about Buenos Aires. But often, it’s in the details and I wanted to fill you all in, blog readers, on the little things that make my days here really w...

In the subte[Buenos Aires Daily]
Subte [ subway ] ride. This may have beem late morning, because ealier (9/9.30am), subte tends to be more crowded.

Monday, 10 November

Polo, Art, & Charity Events[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Two simultaneous events bring together Art and Polo in aid of charity organizations: Buenos Aires Polo & Arts is a charity exhibition, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Bueno...
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