Daily Url, Nov 18


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Sep 22, 2012
Wednesday, 18 November

WUCAT[My Buenos Aires Life]
Weird, unique, confusing, awesome. These are the words that have been popping into my head almost daily, ever since I moved to Buenos Aires. I'll be walking down the street, or sitting (read: sweating...

Tom Cruise from Cocktail it is.[tourist2townie]
I decided to follow the advice of a best friend and my sister and take a job slinging bottles here in Buenos Aires. Although i'm not a big Tom Cruise fan, his role in the 1988 box...

Tuesday, 17 November

Voulez-vous crochet avec moi?[The Argentimes]
The art of knitting is experiencing a renaissance. Where once associated only with grey-haired grandmothers and nightmarish visions of lumpy Christmas sweaters, it is now women under the age of 35 who...

I Went to Go[SaltShaker]
Repeating the same constructive behavior over and over, hoping (one day) for a positive result is difficult but virtuous. It’s the effort made by eating oatmeal every morning, brushing y...

Buenos Aires International Music Fair - BAFIM[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The fourth edition of BAFIM, Buenos Aires International Music Fair (Feria Internacional de la Música), will offer musicians, singers,professionals, entrepreneurs, suppliers, trading companies, pr...

Touched[Sallycat's Adventures]
I have touched the Virgin of Luján.*I didn’t expect to, and I didn’t think I’d want to (I’m probably the least religious person I know), but you only have to see the magic ...

Monday, 16 November

Salta: Divine Wine in the Desert[The Argentimes]
Ask anybody about wine and tourism in Argentina and they will likely name Mendoza. But the province of Salta is going head to head with its southern sister, and its excellent wines and growing tourism...

Miaowing for Acceptance: the Endless Fight for the Botanical Garden[The Argentimes]
Most of them share the same destiny. Abandoned by their former loved ones, left to the cruel world out there. Living in the streets of Buenos Aires can be dangerous but during the 111-year long existe...

Corruption, Scandal and the Not-So-Illegal Basement Bars[The Argentimes]
Seemingly overnight the Buenos Aires government’s signature yellow posters sprung up throughout the city ominously asking passersby: ‘do you know where you’re going out tonight?’ The grainy accompanyi...

Peleas Porteñas: Mixed Martial Arts Fighting in BA[The Argentimes]
The music is cut and the lights go up, focusing on the octagonal steel cage in the middle of the club. Inside two fighters circle each other warily, under the watchful eye of the referee. The crowd wa...

Random Parade in Buenos Aires[Blog]
I was walking around the city Sunday afternoon minding my own business when I literally ran into this random parade coming around a corner. I still have no idea what it was for but it en...

Noche de los Museos[Blog]
On Saturday night, I ventured out to the Noche de Los Museos "Night of the Museums", which is basically a city-wide free cultural festival that's held once a year in Buenos Aires. At firs...

Thoughts on Fear and Censorship in Argentina[The Argentine Post]
More than a quarter century after the military dictatorship fell and Argentina returned to democracy in 1983, the country suffers from a climate of fear and censorship that permeates certain aspects.....

African immigrants drift toward Latin America[Reuters | Vision.org]
Stowed away on cargo ships and unsure where their dangerous journeys will take them, increasing numbers of African immigrants are arriving in Latin America as European countries tighten border controls...

Sunday, 15 November

Gallery Nights November 2009 Edition[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
On Friday, November 27th, 2009 , from 7 PM , a new edition of Gallery Nights 2009 , the original circuit for art lovers around more than 60 art galleries, antique shops, museums and cultural c...

photos: palermo viejo market[Yillabean]
saturday farmers market around "plaza armenia" / "plaza palermo viejo" on armenia and costa rica streets.

congreso[Why on earth did I move to Argentina?]
One night a year the musea, and a few buildings that are usually not open for public, open their doors. One of those buildings is the Congreso. The big static building on the plaza de congreso,...

Buenos Aires Mayor Gives Green Light to Gay Marriage[The Argentine Post]
Buenos Aires City Mayor Mauricio Macri on Friday moved to allow a gay couple to get married in the city. In a video published simultaneously on his YouTube, Twitter and Facebook pages, Macri said his....

Saturday, 14 November

TED Conference Coming to Buenos Aires in April[The Argentine Post]
The astonishingly interesting TED conference is coming to Buenos Aires in April. TEDxBuenosAires, which is modeled on the original – now globally-famous – TED events in Long Beach,...

Buenos Aires Gay Pride 2009[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
Quilmes cans & rainbow jello shots. That about sums up my experience at this year's gay pride parade in Buenos Aires. People told me it was bigger than last year and I saw a couple of friends who...

Friday, 13 November

Trade ya...[Esplendor y Miseria]
13 December 2009 I have always loved to read, though in the years since my son grew up and left home I have done less and less reading for pleasure. Working to build a business I seemed always to ha...
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