Daily URL: Nov 25


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Monday, 24 November

Palermo Polo Open[As Belgrano Byrnes...]
The Palermo Polo Open is underway in Buenos Aires right now. It's the most important polo tournament in the world, and the Palermo field is considered the sport's "cathedral." It truly is...

Vetting the Viets[SaltShaker]
When helicopters were snatching people from the grounds of the American embassy compound during the panic of the final Vietcong push into Saigon, I was sitting in front of the television set s...

Daily Pic 43 : Christmas decorations, BA style[The Silver River]
Not universally but in the general, Christmas decorations are quite subtle and understated here. I like it. This is Alto Palermo mall.

Chamuyar Obama[Buenos Aires Photographer]
A post seen outside the old Molinos cafe just across the street from Congress. It roughly translates as "Cristina, go sweet talk the black-guy Obama into bringing some money. Rent is due." Presuma...

Argentine Economy to Shrink 1% in 2009, JPMorgan Says [Bloomberg]
Argentina’s economy will shrink next year for the first time in seven years as prices of the country’s commodity exports tumble and interest rates soar amid the global credit crisis, JPMorgan Chase & Co. said.

Sunday, 23 November

Néstor Kirchner Implies He’s In Charge[The Argentine Post]
President Cristina Fernández & Vice President Julio Cobos (when they were still on speaking terms)
“Sometimes in the mornings Cristina remembers, and she says to me, “What a ...

Pillow Fight Buenos Aires[Buenos Aires Photographer]
Yesterday a couple thousand teenagers gathered in front of the Planetarium in Parque Palermo for a facebook-organized, flash mob pillow fight [lucha de almohadas].

Mama Lucchetti Animated in Argentina[The Inspiration Room]
Mama Lucchetti. a line of soups from Argentina, is being promoted in a series of animated television commercials very popular throughout South America.

Saturday, 22 November

Argentine man kills himself on TV [BBC]
A former police chief in Argentina, wanted for alleged crimes against human rights, has shot himself dead in front of television cameras.

Friday, 21 November

Marcelo[A hundred faces of Argentina]
Marcelo is a modern Don Juan, although he does not seem to when he is being ordered a few empanadas in his Palermo catering place. He warns me before starting: sad life for a sad man ...
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