Daily URL: Oct 18


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Saturday, 18 October

The tale of two tangos: one for money, one for love[TangoSpam:La Vida Con Deby]
Today I opened up El Tangauta one of the local tango magazines. I flipped through it.* I felt 100% disconnected.* I have danced tango in Buenos Aires for 8 years.* I am known in most of the milongas...

Maradona to replace Argentina coach Alfio Basile?[International Herald Tribune]
Diego Maradona could be an assistant coach of Argentina following the stunning resignation of Alfio Basile...

Friday, 17 October

Random Observations: Weeks 9 & 10[Discover Buenos Aires]
Ok, we’ve been slacking…well, not really slacking, we’ve been working hard, but work has unfortunately interefered with my ability to post as often as I would like. The move to BsAs...

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Free Trade Agreement[GoodAirs: More than a bad translation of "Buenos Aires"]
Argentina has decided to expand the number of foreign goods subject to minimum import prices, basically so that cheap Brazilian and Chinese goods don't swamp the local market and drive expensive Argen...

I Will Set My Watch However I Damn Well Please[GoodAirs: More than a bad translation of "Buenos Aires"]
Just like last year, Argentina has decided to implement day light savings time in order to save energy (although there is evidence that this does not work). And again, several western provinces rebell...

Mi Buenos Aires, querido…[La Nuit Blanche]

Dictionary of Argentine Spanish Celebrates the Nation’s Distinct Voice[Argentina's Travel Guide]
The Argentine Academy of Letters has just released the second edition of their dictionary , Diccionario del habla de los argentinos (Dictionary of the speech of Argentines). According to La ...

45th Annual Oktoberfest Draws Huge Crowds in Cordoba[Argentina's Travel Guide]
The 45 th Annual “Fiesta Nacional de la Cerveza ,” or Oktoberfest, in Cordoba province drew crowds of around 35,000 people to Cordoba to drink beer and make merry. According to Terra , the eve...

Argentina May Devalue Peso 16 Percent, JPMorgan Says[Bloomberg]
The central bank may opt for a one-time devaluation this year to 3.8 per dollar from 3.2086 today, JPMorgan economist Vladimir Werning wrote in a report...

Thursday, 16 October

Mar del Plata[Buenos Aires Daily]
Mar del Plata is at about 400km [250 miles] south of Buenos Aires on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. I’ve never been there prior to this trip. My impressions: I did like it, it’s wort...

Argentine inflation means daily scramble for coins[International Herald Tribune]
If there were a 100 peso coin, it wouldn't disappear like we see happening now with smaller coins, because the currency's value would be greater than the value of the metal...

The bizarre lottery of an Argentinean candidate[The Observers]
A Peronist local election candidate is organising a tombola to fund his campaign. First prize: breast implants...

Wednesday, 15 October

Live and Die by the Guia “T”[micheleandtom.com]
The little gem pictured here is the Guia “T,” and if you aren’t agoraphobic, it is the key to living in Buenos Aires.
(Agoraphobes, you need a comprehensive pile of grocery, r...

Churros[Buenos Aires Daily]
BA daily is back after 4 days in Mar del Plata. Pictures to come later. While we were there, we enjoyed yummy things. Among those sweet things we enjoyed churros [fried-dough pastry originated i...

The truth[Sallycat's Adventures]
Living in Buenos Aires sometimes feels like being woken with a glass of ice-cold water every day.
I walk ten blocks and have to step round people, dogs and the effects of dogs, rubbish, broke...

Calles y avenidas[Buenos Aires, City of Faded Elegance]
Borges felt that the calles , the streets, of Buenos Aires formed an integral part of his being, his soul.
Traveling on these strands of cobblestone and asphalt, you journey through the urban land...

Buenos Aires Jazz Festival Starts Today[The Argentine Post]
A week-long jazz festival starts today in Buenos Aires. The festival includes all kinds of local and international artists as well as indoor and outdoor shows. For information about performers, s...
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